How to write a reserch paper
Communication Studies Research Paper Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Summarize an article from the Wall Street Journal Essay - 1
Sum up an article from the Wall Street Journal - Essay Example Torrens and different Proponents of Equity-based group financing regard it as a gift in the midst of extending monetary emergencies. Since organizations themselves are not in a situation to build business, they can give a greater development potential through venture openings. Supporter of the thought accept that such open doors should just be given through online outlets as it is incredibly practical. It would likewise make the venture showcase progressively open to a great many speculators (Torrens and Slavinsky, 2012). This technique further empowers organizations to make sure about and contact a more prominent customer base, who are normally spurred to enable the business to succeed. Then again, rivals of this thought accept that sanctioning would just motivation not well educated customers to lose their cash on bombing organizations. It will represent a higher hazard and will thusly impact the buying influence of individuals as people lose cash because of their terrible choices. There are high possibilities that it will additionally prompt a descending winding of downturn. In addition, there are more prominent odds of injustice and extortion organizations may surface that may additionally make everyone acquire overwhelming misfortunes. It will likewise essentially affect real organizations, as financial specialists are tricked into contributing for false organizations. Along these lines, organizations should take the benefits of exchange speculation strategies in to account. (Torrens and Slavinsky, 2012) It is very apparent that however, value based group subsidizing may have a few aces, yet they must be appreciated if the organizations give the group enormous profits for their ventures. Organizations can acquire immense number of customers, who had at first bolstered the organization through their speculations. Nonetheless, from the people’s viewpoint, putting resources into value contrasts from putting resources into stocks that can be condensed at whatever point the customer needs. Value is illiquid and thus, there is no get way out of this
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Sacrament of Baptism Essay -- Christianity
In the United States Christianity is the biggest strict gathering followed by Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism (Kohut and Rogers). As per the Pew Research Council Christianity was involved more than 82 percent of the populace in America as of March 2002 (Kohut and Rogers). The vast majority of the world’s Christians live in the America’s and Europe (Pew Research Center). Notwithstanding, the number of inhabitants in Christians that right now live in the America’s and Europe is essentially lower than in the mid 1900’s (Pew Research Center). Christianity is separated into three principle branches: Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestants. The Protestants make up the biggest part of the Christian religion in the United States and totaled fifty-two percent of the American populace in 2002 (Kohut and Rogers). Catholics arrive in a nearby second including twenty-four percent of the American Population in March of 2002 (Kohut and Rogers). The larger parts o f the Christian groups famous today created during the 500 years after the protestant reconstruction and are a piece of the protestant category (Pew Research Center). A significant number of the Christian sections share a great deal of similar convictions; be that as it may, there are many themes they differ on, for example, the holy observance of submersion. Numerous Christian groups practice the convention of sanctification. In any case, numerous sections contrast generally on the importance and centrality of the holy observance or law of absolution. Immersion in the Old Testament is utilized as an image of a believer’s dedication to God by washing with water as an indication of purging and sanctification. There are a wide range of implications and strategies to immersion that have been seen by numerous beliefs more than a large number of years. A significant number of the traditions and b... .... Immersion (in the Bible). New Catholic Encyclopedia. second ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2003. 56-60. Hurricane World History In Context. Web. 30 Dec. 2011. Zondervan NIV Study Bible. Zondervan New International Study Bible. Ed. Kenneth L. Barker. 2008. Terrific Rapids: Zondervan, 2002. Seat Research Center. Worldwide Christianity: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Christian Population. 19 December 2011. December 2011 . Holy observance. World Religions. New York: Macmillan Library Reference USA, 1987. Macmillan Compendium. Hurricane World History In Context. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. Holy observance of Baptism. 2003. .
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Why is Customer Success so Important in the 21st Century
Why is Customer Success so Important in the 21st Century Customer service and customer success continues to be a big elephant in the room for many businesses. While most of today’s businesses have some level of training in customer service, many don’t take customer service seriously enough.But data consistently show customers are increasingly focused on the level of service they receive when making purchase decisions. A majority of today’s consumers are prepared to switch if the service they receive isn’t up to standard. But what is behind the enhanced focus on customer service and can companies truly benefit from better customer service?This guide will look at the reasons the 21st century is the century for understanding customer service. © | fotogestoeberIn this article, you will learn about 1) what customer service / customer success is all about, 2) benefits of customer service / customer success, 3) the reasons customer service / customer success matters more now, and 4) some final thoughts.WHAT IS CUSTOMER SERVICE / CUSTOMER SUCCESS ALL ABOUT?Customer service is a concept most people in business know about, but not everyone truly understands its importance. Customer service is essentially a crucial part of the product or service your business offers, as it can directly influence the customer experience of the given product. This means that customer service is an important part of building the brand.Customer service is often taken care of by special customer service representatives. In fact, most companies often have a specific customer service department, which deals with customer enquiries over the telephone, but increasingly also through different online methods such as e-mail and chat. While customer service representatives play a crucial role in nurturing customer relationships, most employees in the company need to understand good customer service. For instance, if you work in a retail business, the customer service of the shopkeeper is the first time customers create perceptions of the business and its customer service. Therefore, a good customer service culture must run through the whole of the company.The concept of Customer Success has risen out of this increased importance of good customer service. The concept is about creating a proactive and organizational focus and approach to customer satisfaction. Customer success often looks at the different customer data points, such as user data, and helps improve the customer satisfaction across the different areas within the business.Customer success is an important concept in all industries, but it is often especially mentioned in regards to Software as a Service (SaaS) sector. The sector also highlights the subtle dif ferences between customer service and customer success. Customer success is often more focused on looking at issues customers have in real-time and the methods of managing issues so that customers can continue to extract maximum value from the product. As mentioned above, customer success is often about solving issues proactively, while traditional customer service is more about reacting to customer problems.Nonetheless, businesses need to be aware of both of these issues and while the two concepts are not synonymous, the rest of the guide will look into the value of both in the current business climate. Good customer service will help customer success and likewise â€" in today’s technology driven world businesses cannot overlook either of these aspects if they want the business to succeed.You can learn a lot more about customer service and customer success by looking at companies with exemplary service. Check out the companies in the below video for more information: BENEFITS OF CUSTOMER SERVICE / CUSTOMER SUCCESSBefore we look at the core reasons that make customer service and success vital in the 21st century, it is important to understand the many benefits of creating a successful customer service culture. Businesses can enjoy from a number of tangible benefits if they place enough emphasis on these sectors.Generating more profits for the companyFor many businesses, the key reason to aim for good customer service is the financial aspect of it. A company, which takes the right steps to nourish customer success, will be enjoying more financial benefits to a company who thinks customer service is just an afterthought.Consider the findings of a Harris Interactive study, which found that around 86% of customers stop doing business with a specific company solely based on bad customer service. If your customers aren’t happy with the level of service they receive, they are likely going to vote with their feet and spend their money elsewhere. What is significan t of the study is how it showed the number of customers who do this has risen from 59% to the current levels in just four years.Furthermore, data by American Express has shown that nearly 60% of customers try a new brand or a company just to find better customer service. In fact, 89% of customers often swap to a company’s direct competitor after bad service.These above statistics alone should convince every company to focus efforts on proper customer service. Your business will suffer financially if your customers don’t feel the service is good enough. If you want to keep your customers happy, you need to focus on more than just the product and service.Furthermore, as you’ll see below, many industries have moved towards a subscription-based service, which provides customers more ability to swap if they aren’t happy with the service they receive. With a proper customer success culture, existing customers are more likely to stay happy and continue using your services and produ cts.Data also shows, consumers are making an increasing amount of decisions based on recommendations. If your customers are happy, they are more likely to recommend your product and therefore, increase the customer-base of your business. All of this results in increased revenue.Finally, the bigger the business the more known its customer service record is and this can influence its ability to attract investment. Successful customer service culture can be a crucial factor for investors, as it can provide more security in terms of business success and therefore guarantee better investment returns.Improves employee satisfactionBut the benefits, in terms of enhanced customer relations, aren’t only financial and related to the customer. A successful customer service culture can also improve employee satisfaction. First, employees can benefit directly from better company finances. You are able to provide better financial rewards for your employees and they are likely going to feel more secure in their position. This in turn will also help improve customer service, as employee turnover is reduced.Second, employees are likely to feel motivated because they can see the company cares for its customers and therefore also its employees. If you are a customer driven business, then employees will feel more motivated in fostering this culture and boosting sales. Focus on customer success instead of artificial sales figures, for instance, can directly help improve employee motivation. This in turn will automatically start boosting the sales figures as well.Finally, a clear and robust customer service and success strategy will make your company more efficient. There will be clearer strategies in place to deal with problems, which lessens the burden on employees and make them feel more comfortable.Helps to develop the product and serviceBusinesses that focus on customer service and customer success are also more able to guarantee the actual product or service is of a better q uality. This is because of the better organizational efficiency mentioned above.A successful customer service culture focuses on each aspect of the business and takes a holistic view of the company’s operations. This will make it easier to notice inefficiencies and to streamline operations to ensure customer satisfaction. The best way to naturally ensure your customers are happy is by providing them with a quality service.In addition, your company will benefit from lower risk levels. As mentioned, customer success has a proactive focus on customer satisfaction and you are able to tackle problems at their root â€" before they turn into a bigger operational issue.Furthermore, if, and when, problems arise, a customer service department is able to manage the situation and ensure it doesn’t turn into a bigger problem. The risk of failure won’t hang over your employees or your company.THE REASONS CUSTOMER SERVICE / CUSTOMER SUCCESS MATTERS MORE NOWWhile the benefits of customer serv ice and customer success are plentiful, many businesses still don’t pay enough attention to good customer service. This is partly because in the past, companies were a bit less likely to suffer greatly even if they didn’t always put the customer first.But the technological revolution has changed the way businesses need to look at customer service. The above benefits have become even more relevant and getting the customer service culture right can make or break a business.The rise of social mediaThere are around 7.2 billion people on the planet and nearly 3 billion are active on the Internet. From this vast audience, around 2.1 billion users are on social media and nearly 1.7 billion of them are active on these platforms. Furthermore, the most recent survey by Pew Research showed that over half of social media users are now using multiple platforms and older generations are quickly increasing their usage.But why do these statistics matter to a business? Today’s companies need t o be aware of the ‘bad press’ mostly because of the rise of social media. Word about bad customer service is likely to spread a lot faster and further, as customers spend an increasing amount of time on social media. In fact, one study suggested nearly 39% of social media users actively give feedback on products and services they use.As mentioned above, most people increasingly base their consumer decisions on recommendations and the image they have on the company. If your business has a lot of ‘bad press’, you are more likely to miss out on potential customers.It should also be noted that consumers are more likely to voice out their bad experiences rather than the good ones. Social media has, for good and bad, allowed consumers to post opinions in an instant. Salvaging your business from the negative feedback is much harder afterwards and thus your business could greatly benefit from appropriate customer service to limit negative feedback.But the rise of social media should n’t just be viewed through this negative lens. Businesses can greatly benefit from the rise of social media, especially if they focus on good customer relations on these platforms. This is down to social media being an important marketing venue for many companies.In fact, successful customer service and customer success will be a lot cheaper for a company than having to put more effort into marketing. Dimensional Research found that while the proportion of people who share bad experiences is higher, 30% of consumers also share the positive experiences they have. These positive mentions won’t cost your business anything â€" you just need to focus on nurturing the right kind of customer service culture in your business.Increased amount of decision made based on online experiencesThe above has directly meant that more people make consumer decision based on online recommendations and comments. According to some studies, nearly 90% of consumers are influenced by online reviews when m aking a purchase.If your business has a number of bad reviews and a culture of bad customer service, you are going to miss many customers based on the above statistics. On the other hand, you can also use a good customer service culture to your advantage and increase your customer base by simply focusing on receiving more feedback that is positive.One of the key areas businesses still don’t focus enough is on the importance of online responses, especially on social media. West Interactive Infographic states that nearly 60% of questions and complaints on Twitter go unanswered. This happens even though studies have shown lack of answers can increase the churn rate for existing customers.The effort of responding to social media queries is a lot smaller than having to market your company online because of bad reviews. Nearly a third of consumers use social media to enquire about the service or product prior to purchase and companies should tap into this market with enhanced focus on c ustomer service.Time is moneyIf there would be one word to describe the 21st century, it probably would be ‘fast’. Technology has made us impatient because we have everything at the tip of our fingertips. You don’t need to wait for the next day to buy yourself a pair of shoes, as online shopping means everything is available in an instant and products and even services will be delivered to your doorstep in 24 hours.But this focus on speed has also challenged customer service and increased expectations have made it more relevant than ever. Surveys have continuously shown customers are expecting quick responses to their queries. Oracle’s 2012 survey highlighted how 80% of Twitter users expect companies to response within a day or less in instances of customer service inquiries.As mentioned above, failure to respond can lead to customers taking their money elsewhere, so getting customer service right is essential. Businesses simply cannot take their time dealing with issues any more, but need to react fast to keep customer satisfaction high.Simply by focusing on customer service and the speed of response, companies are able to turn a problem into a positive feedback. Amazon’s focus on quick responses is a great example of a successful focus on customer service. The company’s response time metrics highlight how less than a 24-hour responses attract 50% less negative feedback to longer response times.Enhanced opportunities to buyPerhaps the most important reason why all of the above means customer service and customer success should be a key focus of companies is the increased availability of options. The 21st century is the century for businesses â€" not just the big corporations, but also the era of the small business.The rise of the small business and the technological advances have meant consumers have much more choice available. Consumers are no longer forced to shop only in the shops in their vicinity, but they can shop from producers around the wo rld in a click of a button.This choice naturally means consumers are looking for more than just a good product. For example, your shopping decisions aren’t only based on the product, such as a shoe, but the overall shopping experience. The quality of customer service is an important part of the shopping experience and consumers are careful to pick companies that look after them.Furthermore, many of today’s services and products are offered through the renewal buyout model. This means that customers subscribe to the product for a certain period and then decide to renew or move along at the end. With good customer service the likelihood customers switch to a new provider reduces. Consumers don’t generally like the hassle of finding a new service provider, but it doesn’t mean they won’t change if the service is bad.FINAL THOUGHTSTechnological revolution has changed consumer behavior and businesses need to be able to adapt to this. Because consumers are now increasingly more a ware, connected and more able to make decisions customer service and customer success have become increasingly important for businesses. Focus on customer satisfaction is essential for business success.The advances in technology heighten the benefits of customer satisfaction. Whereas customers could bring their close family and friends to your business after a successful experience in the past, today’s customers could potentially tell the whole world your business is worth the money. Good customer service isn’t just about a happy customer; it is essentially about marketing your business to a whole new audience and ensuring your customers always return for more.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Age Of Exploration And Its Effect On Religion
The age of exploration was was an extremely essential part of history.The age of exploration led to countless advances in science. The age of exploration also led to vast expansions of countries territory and vastly increased their power. From the the people who explored the new land to the one who seized and controlled the land. All of this was essential for the age of exploration to exist. The age of of exploration all started for only three simple reasons. The first of these three reasons is because of Religion. Almost everyone of the rulers in Europe wanted people to convert to their religion. The age of exploration opened up new opportunities to achieve an expansion on their religion. Expanding their religion would be done by this because the more territory that one country has, would lead the country to increasing its population. Then from having a bigger population that same country would have more citizens had more citizens under same religion as the country. The second reaso n is for wealth, and everyone wanted to be more wealthy. The new land that was found brought a multitude of possibilities for fortune. From gold to new land for plantations, to more supplies for a country that was running out of supplies for their citizens. With even more plantations that could grow more crops than they could ever grow in their crowded countries that they already lived in. A countless number of people would be able to move to the land. The third reason for the age ofShow MoreRelatedNotes on Monarchy962 Words  | 4 Pages | Renaissance | Reformation | Exploration | Absolute Monarchs | Renaissance | - Emphasis, causes, effects, specifics (Art: painting, sculpture, architecture, literature) Patrons | Gutenbergs printing press = Renaissance ideas spread... Religion = Art Pope wanted to make a new dome for sistine chapel. Michelangelo was asked to paint it. the pope needed $ to build so he sold indulgences. Luther was against this... 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Analysis Of The Painting Two Women Of The Woods By Vincent...
On November 2013, at an auction in New York City, the painting â€Å"Two women in the woods†by Vincent Van Gogh, a famous Dutch artist in expressionism and impressionism, was sold at the price of $689,000 (Lot: 17 VINCENT VAN GOGH, 2013; Van Gogh, 2008). Besides, â€Å"Silent Majority†, a painting by Banksy, an English graffiti artist, was brought to the auction in Paris and its recent price has reached  £445,792, which is roughly at $676,000 (Banksy, 2014; Banksy s Silent Majority fetches more than  £445k in Paris, 2015). As they are clearly seen, the prices for the two paintings are about the same, which is interesting because one is obviously a well-known artist all over the world, whereas the other one is known for his graffiti paintings, which is also considered to be an act of vandalism all along the walls in England. Therefore, what graffiti actually is and why there are two different perspectives on the characteristics of graffiti is a cute issue. This essa y will oppose the idea that graffiti is vandalism by demonstrating two main points. First, graffiti is a type of art, and last but not least, graffiti can help develop the economic as well as the job opportunities for lower income class. Graffiti is more and more widely known and considered art. First of all, what is the definition of art? Aristotle (300s B.C.E), a famous Greek philosopher, acknowledged that art is â€Å"the realization in external form of a true idea, and is traced back to that natural love of imitation, which
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Indus Water Treaty of 1960 Free Essays
string(59) " and no new agreement in place, the flow of water stopped\." INDUS WATER TREATY OF 1960 by William H. Thompson [February 2013] The Indus Water Treaty (IWT) of 1960 is an example of a mutually beneficial conflict or, as Kriesberg and Dayton would define it, a constructive conflict. Born of the dissolution of the British Crown Colony of India in 1947, the treaty recognized the mutual needs of India and Pakistan, and the necessity of ensuring continuing access to the waters of the Indus River System for both nations. We will write a custom essay sample on Indus Water Treaty of 1960 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although the treaty has survived â€Å"two and a half wars and frequent military mobilizations†as well as a nuclear arms race, current moves by both Pakistan and India regarding dispute mediation threaten to dissolve the treaty. Differences in interpretation, Pakistani mismanagement of its own water resources and the ongoing question of the status of Kashmir each threaten the continued observance of the treaty. Neither nation can afford the loss of this treaty. For each nation this treaty has been a source of ongoing diplomatic relations, requiring annual meetings and open verification of water projects within the covered regions. It has been used to address non-water issues and to placate each other in times of crisis. It has also ensured that water continues to flow between the two, in spite of the strategic advantage that India could gain by stopping that flow. This paper will outline some of the dangers affecting the future of the IWT. It will address the interpretation of treaty clauses by neutral parties and how that has resulted in diplomatic escalation by Pakistan. It will address the very real concern for Pakistan that India has the superior strategic position with regard to control of the Indus System. It will also highlight the inadequate water infrastructure within Pakistan and the affect that this has on the ability of India to complete its own water projects. The paper will describe certain indicators of the health of the treaty. Finally, it will outline two scenarios for the future of the IWT and the likely outcome of each. The goal of addressing these issues is to stress the importance of this treaty over national concerns for control of water and how the mutual control of the Indus system is the best solution for both nations. Before exploring the continued existence of the Water Treaty of 1960, and the potentially far reaching effects of its nullification, it is necessary to provide a brief history of the Indo-Pakistani conflict, especially as it relates to the Kashmiri region and control of the Indus River System. When the British Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act of 1947, its primary concern was achieving a speedy settlement of the partition rather than the stability of the resulting entities. Sir Cyril Radcliffe, the English barrister charged with partitioning the Indian colony into two separate entities, arrived in New Delhi on 8 July 1947 to learn that the date of independence for both newly formed nations of India and Pakistan had already been set for 15 August of that same year. The rules for the partition of India and Pakistan, established in negotiations between the British representative Lord Mountbatten, the Indian National Congress representative Jawaharlal Nehru and the Muslim League representative Muhammed Ali Jennah, focused the division along religious lines. In certain provinces with no clear religious majority, most notably those bordering Punjab and Bengal, the citizens of the province were to be given the opportunity to vote over which country to join. Independent princedoms, such as Kashmir, were given the option of joining with either state, but were encouraged to hold a plebiscite if the desires of the people were in doubt. The resulting boundaries would have three far-reaching results. First, the sudden change in citizenship (from nominally British to Pakistani or Indian respectively) resulted in bloodshed and mass-exodus as Muslims moved from India to Pakistan and Hindus moved to India from Pakistan, as well as an almost instantaneous nationalism within both nations. Second, when establishing borders between the states it did so with little regard to natural boundaries, such as rivers, and little thought to allocation of the infrastructure and resources now shared by the two states. What had been created by one central government, such as irrigation systems, canals, and dams, was now controlled by two with no standing agreement over how they should be shared. Finally, in giving the rulers of independent princedoms the right to choose which country to join, the prince was expected to abide by the wishes of his subjects; in the case of Kashmir, the prince made his own choice. Common sense should have dictated that the province becomes the northernmost province of Pakistan: Its people were predominantly Muslim and it controlled the flow of the Indus River into Pakistan. Kashmir as a province of Pakistan was likely the vision of the British, Muslim and Hindu negotiators of the partition. Unfortunately, the status of the various princedoms, including Kashmir, was left to each ruling prince. Although not alone in originating the Indo-Pakistani conflicts, the decision of Hari Singh, the Maharaja of Kashmir, to join India rather than Pakistan has played a vital role in exacerbating them. One oddity of the partition of the former British colony is the Standstill Agreement. This agreement stated that the flow of the Indus between East and West Punjab (India and Pakistan) would remain at the same level from the date of partition until 31 March, 1948 and that Pakistan would pay a set fee for the water that flowed. As Pakistani forces crossed the border of Jammu and Kashmir to protect Muslims and Indian forces were airlifted into Kashmir to defend India’s territorial boundaries, the dams, canals and barrages along Indus tributaries continued to operate and adjust flows to ensure that water reached the fields of Pakistan. And, as these things occurred, Pakistan continued to pay its water fee to India. However, on 01 April, 1948, with the agreement ending and no new agreement in place, the flow of water stopped. You read "Indus Water Treaty of 1960" in category "Essay examples" Although India and Pakistan would agree to a resumption of water deliveries, two precedents had been set: Pakistan recognized that it was in an untenable position and India had demonstrated that it would abide by existing agreements but, in the absence of agreement would act in its own best interests. In 1952, the World Bank offered to mediate the dispute over Indus Waters. The resulting treaty, based on the water usage needs of each, water availability in the Indus System and mutual development of the watershed granted India the use of several rivers flowing through Kashmir for power generation, but stipulated that the usage must allow free flow of the waters into Pakistan. Each nation must announce water development plans and allow for the inspection of these projects by engineers from the other nation. It established a Permanent Indus Commission, made up of engineers from each nation, which would meet annually to discuss development issues and treaty implementation and established steps for dispute arbitration. Modern interpretation of the provisions of a treaty established in 1960 have strained the agreement and resulted in an escalation of Pakistan’s arbitration demands. Until 2005 all disputes over water projects had been resolved through the annual meetings of the Permanent Indus Commission. This changed with Indian plans to build the Baglihar Dam, a hydroelectric project, across the Chenab River. Although planning began in 1992, Pakistani engineers first objected to the project in 1999 on the grounds that it blocked the free flow of water within the Indus System in violation of the IWT. India contended that, in spite of the fact that it did not comply with the original treaty, the design of the dam was sound and that it would not only allow for the flow of water but would ensure that water supplies were available throughout the year. Pakistan referred the dispute to the World Bank for neutral arbitration under terms of the IWT. Although the neutral arbiter agreed in principal that the Indian project violated some aspects of the treaty, the violations were determined to be based on â€Å"sound and economic design and satisfactory construction and operation†and the project was allowed to continue. While Pakistan agreed to the decision of the World Bank, its next dispute, over the Kishanganga Hydroelectric Dam, was taken directly to the International Court of Arbitration. Although this level of arbitration is specified in the IWT, it is the first time that any dispute under the treaty has been taken to this level. The fact that Pakistan skipped neutral arbitration in favor of the International Court may be a signal that it mistrusts the neutrality of the World Bank. Although the Court has not yet ruled on the project, a ruling in favor of India may convince Pakistan that the treaty is no longer in its best interests. The escalating arbitration demands of Pakistan reflect some concern over individual water projects, which was reflected in its arbitration request concerning the Baglihar Dam project, and more concern for the strategic implications of the Indian system as a whole. As most agree, no single Indian project could shut down water supplies to Pakistan. However, there is general agreement that India holds the superior position regarding control and usage of the Indus River. And there is agreement that the sheer number of dams along the northern Indus System could indeed have adverse effects on the water available to Pakistan. While Indian water needs are fulfilled by three rivers, the Ganges, the Brahmaputra as well as the Indus, Pakistan is served almost exclusively by the Indus, over which India maintains control. Although India contends that it has never diverted water from Pakistan, the water stoppage of 1948, when East Punjab halted water flow into West Punjab, is ever present in Pakistani strategic thought. India has the greater GDP, and therefore a greater ability to withstand delays to its water projects, and a larger military, so it cannot be easily intimidated into acceding to Pakistani demands. As Pakistani negotiators have stated, the Indian negotiating strategy is â€Å"one of delay, of foot dragging, of ‘tiring you out’;†¦of â€Å"creating facts†, proceeding with construction plans, even when aware that the plans might well violate the treaty, so that Pakistan, confronted eventually with fait accompli, would have no choice but to cut its losses and accept an unfavorable compromise settlement; and †¦ insisting on a bilateral framework of talks, without intending ever to settle on any but India’s terms. Although Pakistani negotiators may believe that India can drag negotiations on, the reality is that each referral to arbitration has put a great burden on India in time to completion. In the case of the Baglihar Dam, India announced its plans in 1992, began construction in 1999, the project was taken to arbitration in 2005 and the entire project was not completed until 2010. This case is similar to other projects which have taken 10+yea rs from commencement, through negotiation, to completion. Some, especially within Pakistan, have suggested that the treaty is no longer useful, that it is too strategically disadvantageous to Pakistan and that the only solution to the issue is to take control of Kashmir and the northern Indus System. Others have expressed concerns that India’s hydroelectric projects may force Pakistan to abrogate the treaty and spark a war over Kashmir and control of the Indus. Whether concerns over war between the two nuclear nations are meant as a warning or a threat they have come often enough since the dispute over the Baglihar Dam that they must be seen as a real concern. With multiple Indian hydroelectric projects in the planning stage (although the actual number is in dispute), the opportunities for â€Å"hawks†within Pakistan to demand war will continue to place pressure on politicians and the military to accept nothing less than a halt to all projects. The disputes over Indian projects have allowed Pakistan to divert attention away from its own weaknesses with regard to water availability. Although Pakistan often contends that Indian projects on the northern Indus have resulted in a loss of useable water within Pakistan, it is â€Å"a case of wastage and unequal distribution by internal forces†that has resulted in less water availability within Pakistan. This loss in water availability is due to aging transfer systems (pipes, canals), increasing silt levels within dams, corruption and inefficiency and low expenditure on water sector development. Ninety percent of Pakistan’s irrigable water is supplied by the Indus; an aging system of canals, barrages and hydroelectric dams within Pakistan has resulted in waste within its own water management systems. This is largely a result of heavy sediment composition of the Indus. Water storage systems and canals have filled with sediment over time, resulting in less water availability and susceptibility to flooding, especially during heavy monsoonal rains. The IWT has been used as a means to, if not settle other non-water related disputes, to at least achieve a hearing of them, or to ease the tensions between the nations. Most recently, in 2009, the Pakistan Commissioner of Indus Waters had been asked about developments on the Nimoo-Bazgo Hydro Project and whether his office had inquired about inspecting the development. His response was that â€Å"We would like to go there when the tension between India and Pakistan following the Bombay attacks ease. †In the wake of the Mumbai attacks, the Pakistani official chose to delay his inspection to avoid inciting an already tense situation. India had threatened to pull out of the treaty as a response to cross-border terrorism in 2001-2002, and has used its control of the upper Indus to exert pressure on Pakistan to halt attacks. Although this may be viewed as using its hegemonic power over water flows to exert pressure, the alternative is that war was avoided through the use of the existing treaty. Should either India or Pakistan see the treaty as having outlived its usefulness, the nations have two choices: nullification or renegotiation. Renegotiation would be the most desirable choice for the nations and the region. Indeed, renegotiation of the treaty may be a necessity. Guarantees of water deliveries through the Indus system may be unsustainable if climate change models are correct. Pakistan is currently able to store only 30 days of water, leaving it highly vulnerable to even mild fluctuations in water flow. This vulnerability exists in a period when the Indus is at its highest flow in 500 years due to the melting of the Himalayan glaciers that feed the system. The expectation, although the calculations differ, is that the flow will slow as the glaciers recede, leaving both India and Pakistan struggling for water. Signs that offers to renegotiate are real would have to include two things; 1. Renegotiation would have to be open to public scrutiny and third party mediation and 2. They would have to include cooperative agreements on joint water projects. Renegotiation of the treaty under these conditions would indicate that both parties are committed to the IWT in some form. Nullification may be more difficult to predict. As stated above, the treaty itself has survived at least three and a half conflicts and terrorist incursions. Escalation of hostilities may not be a reliable indicator of nullification. The current escalation of arbitration demands under the current treaty may provide some warning, should Pakistan reject the findings of the current International Court arbitration. Although the current case was brought over the Indian Kishanganga dam, it is actually a story of two dams. Pakistan is currently building a dam on the same river, the Neelam-Jhelum Dam. Should arbitration be decided in India’s favor, the Kishanganga dam will divert water away from the Neelam-Jhelum, making the dam useless. Should this occur and the two nations are unable to come to some accommodation, Pakistan may determine that the treaty is no longer in its best interest. Without the treaty its guarantees of water flow into Pakistan, the nation may see war as the only alternative. There are two likely scenarios for future developments with regard to the IWT. The first is and most likely scenario is a renegotiation of the treaty. For renegotiation to occur, it would most likely need to be initiated by India, as such an offer would likely be seen by the Pakistani public as bowing to Indian pressure. In addition, were Pakistan to request a renegotiation, India most likely would have the upper hands in discussions. The catalyst for renegotiation would most likely be the ongoing demands for arbitration from Pakistan and the continuing delays in Indian construction projects. In return for a greater freedom to build on the upper Indus, India would have to offer significant concessions, the most likely being the instigation of joint projects to ensure more efficient irrigation to Pakistani cropland and more effective flood mitigation. Should India successfully convince Pakistan that a new treaty would provide more favorable water availability and would result in less control over the Indus System by India, then the renegotiation could be both a diplomatic and public relations success. The end result would be that both countries would be much better prepared should the flow of the Indus be reduced in the future. The second scenario is less hopeful and also less likely. Should Pakistan determine that the existing treaty is no longer in its best interest and it believes that Indian projects will result in less water availability on the Indus, Pakistan may nullify the treaty. In this case, war would be highly likely to occur as Pakistan attempts to seize control of Kashmir and the upper Indus River. This scenario itself has three likely outcomes. 1. In order to avoid a nuclear war, the international community brokers a cease-fire. India retains control of Kashmir and effectively ends both Pakistan’s claims to the province and any obligations to allow the free flow of water to Pakistan. While Pakistan would still receive some flow, mainly as a result of flood control measures and sediment flushing from Indian dams, it would not be enough water to enable Pakistan to adequately irrigate or to provide fresh water to its people. The aging irrigation infrastructure would continue to deteriorate, compounding an already untenable situation. The threat of nuclear war would hang over the region for the foreseeable future as radical elements within Pakistan are able to seize power and Pakistan becomes a failed, pariah state. 2. As a result of a brokered cease-fire, Kashmir achieves independence. Kashmir brokers its own water treaty with both India and Pakistan: India agrees to maintain the existing hydroelectric dams and water storage in return for continued access to the electricity being generated. Pakistan continues to receive flow from the Indus River, but at lower levels than under the IWT as Kashmir diverts and stores some of the water for its own irrigation. Pakistan’s irrigation and storage systems continue to deteriorate, but at a less noticeable pace than under the first nullification scenario. Radical elements are able to achieve some power within Pakistan, but moderates are able to maintain control and because of the existing water treaty are able to contract assistance from China and the United States to upgrade irrigation and water storage. Although still a nuclear power, Pakistan is unable to maintain parity with India on a military or economic level, effectively diminishing the threat of nuclear war. 3. Pakistan achieves strategic surprise and is able to seize control of Kashmir and the upper Indus River prior to the brokered cease-fire. Rather than increasing the flow of water to irrigate, Pakistan maintains the current hydroelectric systems built by India, selling some of the power to India and diverting the rest for its own use. Pakistan fails to address its own interprovincial water sharing issues: In addition to existing squabbles between Punjab and Sindh, it has added Kashmir to the mix with its own demands for irrigation and fresh water. Although Pakistan is able to maintain water flow to support irrigation, it is below the level of the IWT. India and Pakistan continue their adversarial relationship but without the benefits of diplomatic exchange. Radicals within Pakistan are able to exploit the inequitable division of water between the provinces and, in spite of its Muslim majority, Kashmir never becomes a fully integrated part of Pakistan. Because of its need to maintain both a military balance with India and to secure its facilities against domestic terror attacks, it is unprepared for the dropping water flow due to the recession of the Himalayan glaciers feeding the Indus. The region continues to be an international concern as China and the United States jockey for influence. Although the scenarios regarding a nullification of the IWT may be unduly negative, most academic studies agree that the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 is too important to regional relations for either India or Pakistan to seek an alternative. Whether the treaty continues in its present form, which is increasingly unlikely, is renegotiated as part of a larger brokered deal, or is restructured according to some recognition of Indian responsibility to its neighbor, the treaty has survived an ongoing adversarial relationship for 53 years due to both its effectiveness and its utility. With the worldwide potential for resource scarcity, the potential exists that other nations sharing water resources could model their own disputes on the IWT, but only if Pakistan and India are able to resolve their own ongoing issues. How to cite Indus Water Treaty of 1960, Essay examples
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Microscopic Examination Essays - Metallurgy, Metalworking
Microscopic Examination MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION OF METALS In this experiment, our aim is examining the microstructure of metals. By studying microscopic structures of metals, we determine which material fits best to a given application. We used the most common method, optical technique, to examine the microstructure. We used a small specimen cut from the metal to be examined. To be able to see the structure clearly, we first cleaned and polished the specimen. First we start polishing with emery paper no: 1 and some finer grades. One should be careful about the coarse abrasive particles and striations from them. Cleaning and rotating the specimen 90? during the transfer can prevent these. The next step is polishing, yet washing the sample before polishing gives a more successful result. Finally, we polished the specimen on a rotating cloth covered with an effective abrasive like Al2O3-Water suspension. We kept polishing until we obtained a mirror like face. After we finished polishing, the crystalline structure of the specimen, any cracks, seams, non-metallic inclusions and inhomogenities, could be revealed. Before start etching we first applied mounting process. In this step we used a matched die set. We placed our sample into the die set in the way that the rough face of the specimen was the lower surface and the polished face looked upward. We filled the die cavity with Bakelite and then we transferred our die to a mounpress. Mounting not only protects our sample but also by making its base flat and stable helps us while we are examining the sample under the microscope. In etching process, depending upon chemical composition, energy content and grain orientation, we determine the grain boundaries and the presence of chemically different phases. To reveal these micro structural details of the polished mount we used an etchant like 1% Nital. We immersed the mount with the polished face upward in a small dish of etching solution. As soon as a bloom appeared we removed the mount. At this stage, the first appearance of microstructure can be observed. After etching, we rinsed the mount in water and sprayed alcohol over it. Finally we dried it in a stream of hot air to get it ready to be examined under microscope. Science Essays
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