Thursday, October 31, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Rhetorical Analysis - Essay Example To conduct a rhetorical analysis, the first step is the identification of the purpose or the author's intent. Questions like what occasion give rise to the need for writing and the intentions of the author are evaluated. The author may attack, defend, praise, blame or teach about a given phenomena. The next step involves the identification of the audience; this involves the identifying and classifying the audience to either primary or secondary audiences as well as identifying the author values for the audience. The third step involves identification of rhetorical strategies used to appeal the audience accept the author views. One common appeal is the aristotean appeal which groups the author's concept to either Ethos Logos or Pathos. Ethos appeals refer to the character and confidence of the writer as well as his credibility. Pathos refers to the emotional appeals, use of repetition and description while logos refer to the use of definitions, laws, statistics and comparisons to conv ince the audience. In conclusion, it is somehow difficult to conduct rhetorical analysis especially identifying the different appeals as well as the audience classification.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Social problem - elder care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Social problem - elder care - Essay Example re services to their elderly parents, may hope not to find themselves facing such care needs, and may not face a legal requirement that they do so or face a requirement that is not enforced. The children may not, in fact, ever face such needs because some percentage of the elderly reaches the end of life without developing personal-care needs. The need to care for a child is in nearly all cases a temporary situation, followed by a transition a lengthy and gradual transition, to be sure - to the capacity for self-care associated with independent living as an adult. However, the transition into disability during old age may occur gradually or rapidly, and is likely to signal the onset of an irreversible state of dependency, one that will end only in death. Thus, for several reasons elder care merits, and receives, special attention. Yet, elder care and other major types of care work, such as caring for young children, share many common elements: much of the care is provided in private households and is done so "informally" by family members; the care entails heavy use of time inputs; care is provided more often by women than by men; the care effort imposes costs in many intangible domains upon those who do it; and, the caring produces benefits for society at large. Both the costs and the benefits are hard to quantify, in principle and in practice. (Arno, P., Levine, C., and Memmnott, M, 1999) Although different countries exhibit considerable variation in the types and generosity of publicly funded programs with which to meet the care needs of older people, the family remains "everywhere the most important provider†of such care. There is a voluminous research literature concerned with the nature, extent, components, and consequences of informal care provided to disabled elders. Much of that work is based on small, local-area samples, but in recent years a number of national-level data sources have become available with which to study elder care. One of the most
Sunday, October 27, 2019
What is attributes are required in HR department.
What is attributes are required in HR department. 1.Introduction This report will cover my findings on what is attributes are required in HR department. I particularly choose HR because I see myself in this occupation in the future and this assignment would give me a head start. I am going to look at different types section in HR and see what is best fitted to me. By looking at six organisations, I want to find out what are their requirements to have perfect candidates. With this knowledge I will go on and compare my skills and attributes to the requirement of the organisations. This is going to tell me what skills I lack and to make a plan on how to gain those skills. 2.Occupational Research 2.1 Terms of research The research and report is based on what is required to become a graduate in HR. the research will came across sectors that make HR. (See appendix 1) the information, will give a better insight of Human Resource manager this will help in the decision making process as it would give a better idea on what is required to work in a HR sector. The outcome of the research will be to see what skills are needed to become a HR manager. 2.2 Methodology The target, in this section was to get the latest information on the six organisations. The focus would mostly be on large organisations due to the current credit crunch. The credit crunch has affected many businesses and the small business would have been affected the most. This would also mean that, those businesses would not be able to expand in the near future, which would affect the graduates. Internet sources would provide the opportunity of getting up to date information. It is a good chance to review the latest information about the organisation through looking at sites like BBC, or any news article that was relating to the six organisations which would provide sufficient information on the current state of affairs. The advantage of using internet is that similar information can be access online rather than having to look at newspaper articles which are time consuming. Another advantage is if any query came up they would be easily accessed via email. 2.3 Main Findings Organisation one is, Royal mail. The profits have been surprisingly high, considering the economic situation. The high profit has resulted in nearly 2500 post offices closing down. (See appendix 2) This meant that many staff was redundant. This will have a major impact to the hiring of graduates. On the other hand this would an ideal opportunity to hire graduates as they would start on a low salary and work as hard as other employees In the role of HR Royal mail would offer a graduate a chance to build on their general and specialist HR skills. The program will give the graduate a chance in experiencing in number of HR areas; this would be an opportunity to find out where you want to grow your career. To help you to identify which roles are most suited to your experience and interests. The graduate will have experience on various roles including recruitment, learning, reward and recognition, corporate social responsibility and advice and support. (See appendix 10) The requirement for this role see (bottom of appendix 10). The application process see appendix 11. Second company is Shell, they are getting stronger and stronger in terms of their profits the current crisis has had little or no effect on the organisation (see appendix 3). Oil is the most actively traded commodity. This is shown in terms of the increase in profits. The increase in profit means that the company put vast amount money into their recruitment process. Shell encourages students and graduates to come to their recruitment days, and they would help you to make career choices. (See appendix 4). Shell will have the graduate focusing on recruitment, performance management, learning and development or another specialist area. Shell require their graduates to be able to able to absorb information, analyse problems, make objective decisions and come up with ideas of their own. You also need sensitivity and influencing skills to work as part of a team. (See appendix 12) The organisation has three ways of which to recruit staff and you have to choose a path during the application process. (see bottom of appendix 12) Nestle is the third organisation. Nestle is a controversial organisation, pressurised by trade unions, governments and by the press, but they cannot take away the fact that they are a very successful company. The career options for graduates is very well organised and give a sense of welcome into the organisation. (See appendix 5). Nestle are creating jobs in New York (appendix 6) this is good news as the credit crunch is causing other organisation to cut jobs. Even if the jobs are in New York, there is a good chance that the trend is going to continue in to the UK. For graduates there is a two year two-year programme designed to give you an overall perspective in HR they will be working in areas such as Recruitment, Learning Development, Information and Advice (see appendix 13). Nestle are looking for graduates who has a HR degree or Masters they have other needs see appendix 13 for rest of them. Also in appendix 13 there is the application process. Forth company is Marriot, this is a big hotel chain specialising in hospitality. The economic crisis will have a major impact on the organisation because people are looking to save money. To save money they are cutting down on luxury and Marriot hotels fall under this category. In terms of working the Sunday Times named them in the top 20 best Big Company to work for in 2008. (See appendix 7). Marriot offers graduates to a get an insight on how the HR side of the business works. They are looking for graduates who are innovative, guest-focused way of thinking. (See appendix 14). In appendix 15 shows the application process in which a graduate must go through. The fifth company is Lloyds TSB. Lloyds are going through a tough period the credit crunch has hit them hard and they are on the verge to be taken over by HBOS (see appendix 8). The plan could result in job losses, but on the other hand this would ensure the organisation save millions of pounds. And in the future Lloyds would look to hire staff with a low starting salary to ride out the crisis. And this could be a great opportunity to hire the graduates who would bring fresh ideas into the organisation together with great challenge and commitment to help the company out of the sticky situation. Again similar to other companies Lloyds will help the graduates to see what HR is all about. The difference lies in the organisation helping graduates towards your chartered institute of personnel development (CIPD). They break the programme down into three section first is the generalist placement duration: 9 months, second is, front line placement duration: 6 months, finally generalist/spe cialist HR placement duration: 9 months. They require the graduates to bring excellent judgement, drive, influence and the ability to successfully deliver and exceed even your own expectations (see appendix 16). They have a section on educational criteria which you can view in (appendix 17). This shows what the requirement to become a graduate at Lloyds is. Furthermore in appendix 18 shows, the process in which the graduates will be chosen. The sixth company is British Airways. BA profits have declined due to the credit crunch, looking at the positive they are hoping to make some profit in the financial year. (See appendix 9). The future looks bright as they have opened a new terminal and are expecting high profit from this. The new terminal would require more staff and to save money they could hire graduates. They have recently created a programme in which the HR graduates can benefit see appendix 19. They are very clear on who they are looking for in graduates which is Personal Credibility, Delivering Results, Customer Service, HR Mastery and Business Mastery. (See appendix 20). They have clearly stated the requirements i.e. 2:1 Honours Degree in any discipline. The application has to normally be completed on line, if successful you would be going through tests like psychometric tests personality questionnaire, a group discussion, work related exercise and interview. (See appendix 21). 3.Personal Reflection In this section I will be analysing my skills and relating it to the skills which is required by the six organisations. Through using tools such as Gap analysis and Action Plan. 3.1 Personal Analysis I have gained valuable skills through various activities, whether it is during Cricket, group work or individual. My coaching badge has enabled me to implement and improve various skills such as communication skills and leadership skills, as well as acquiring new ones such as adaptability. I was given a chance by Stanmore Cricket Club to implement these skills. I was able to coach different groups such as under 14s, as well as manage the under 10 year olds. Individual and group work in both college and university has enhanced my ability to communicate and work as a valuable team member. Currently I have grasped the skills like Adaptability, Leadership, Organisational skills, and Communication Skills and Excellent time management. 3.2 CV and Covering Letter See appendix 22 and 23 3.3 Gap Analysis In appendix 24 I have set out what all the companies require the skills their graduates should have. I am going to compare those skills to my current skills which are on appendix 25. I have a skill gap in areas, such as the ability to absorb information and experience. The areas I am deficient are Analyse problems, Make decisions, Presentation, Knowledge of HR, Interview skills and Numerical skills. (See appendix 26) 3.4 Career Action Plan (CAP) My career action plan has various activities that I need to address. Firstly I need to improve on my interviewing skills. Interviews are used as a mean of selection by the six organisations which I have looked at. The action that I will be taking is by arranging an appointment with the placement office to practice my skills, in which they will sit with me and rehearse the interviewing process. I will be also using my friends to practice the process. I am planning to do this as soon as possible. Secondly I need to improve on my numerical skills, again all six organisations will require men to give an numerical test, I always lacked this skill and after finding out that there is a maths drop in sessions I will be attending those classes as soon as possible. To deal with experience I need to get a part time job in a HR department this would give me valuable knowledge of how the department is run. This would also give me an advantage over other candidates as this could mean the difference between me getting a job or not getting the job. I will search for the job using newspaper, job offices on the internet and going to universitys placement office. To improve my presentation skills first step is to book an appointment with UHSU and attend workshops i.e. training sessions in presentation skills. In which they will give me good information on how to present from planning, preparing, helping me on how to use visual aids, using PowerPoint, using graphs and charts, help me practice and assist me on non-verbal communication. I am planning to achieve this by the end of the course. To gain a 2:1 I need to do the basics right i.e. attending all the lectures and seminars. This would not be enough because to further my knowledge I need to ask for help more often by attending various classes or talking to lectures if I am stuck. In my action plan I have not included my weakness of absorbing information and analysing problems because I feel that by following the action plan this would automatically be addressed. (See appendix 27, for the summary of the action plan) 4.Conclusion I have learnt a lot both about myself and about the requirements of the organisation in the HR position. This assignment has made me think about aspect of employment which previously had eluded me for example made me think long and hard about my future. Whereas before my idea of a job in HR, was purely based on paper work and staying in a office and now realising that there is more to it i.e. meeting new people having various tasks to do, it has increased my desire to work as a HR manager. Now knowing the skills that I lack, encourages me to put the CAP into action.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Compare and Contrast Lamb to the Slaughter and The Speckled Band Essay
Compare and Contrast Lamb to the Slaughter and The Speckled Band ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ and ‘The Speckled Band’ are both written is separate eras and cultures, and these differences are reflected in the way the authors use language, structure and moral techniques in their stories. How ever, there are some similarities in these stories as both are of the thriller genre. The story ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ is about a husband and a wife whose relationship comes to a sudden halt. The sweet innocent wife Mary Maloney kills Mr. Maloney due to that he wants to divorce her. Mary becomes very shocked and confused and kills Mr. Mahoney with a Leg of Lamb. Mary produces an act to hide herself from the murder. The police do not realise this and she gets away. The story ‘The Speckled Band’ is not very different to ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ but it has some differences. The story is about a Detective who finds himself and his partner trying to work out a case of murder. Dr. Roylott is the person who is suspected of being the guilty one but in the end he gets killed himself. ‘The Speckled Band’ is set in Victorian England. This was a time when England was a terrible place to live. Crime was high in the slums of London but when the Sherlock Holmes stories began to appear attitude started to change. Sherlock Holmes became the perfect detective as he cracked every case and always defeated evil. The setting of the stories reinforces 19th Century morality. The murder it self is set in an old mansion in the countryside â€Å"A picture of ruin†. ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ however is portrayed as being set in modern Ireland in an ordinary house with an ordinary couple. The names of the couple help us to predict where the couple ar... ...s. The second plot twist is at the end, where the detectives eat the murder weapon. This is all due to these language techniques. ===================================================================== The moral message in ‘The Speckled Band’ is of an old 19th Century storyline ‘Good always wins over evil’. In contrast to ‘Lambs to the Slaughter’ the moral message is very different. ‘Lambs to the Slaughter’ however uses a Modern Moral code. ‘Crime does pay’ in ‘Lambs to the Slaughter’. However. It is clear that ‘The Speckled Band reinforces 19th Century morality ‘crime doesn’t pay’. ====================================================================== In comparison the stories use very different language techniques, moral code and settings. This helps the stories have different storylines and endings due to them being written in very different times.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Integrated DNS Servers
I am working at two branch offices and have been tasked with where to place the Active- Directory Integrated DNS Servers and what type to use. One of the branch offices is very small and (5 users) and has a very slow network connectivity. Do I need a DNS Server and, if so, which type of zone should it hosts? The second branch office is much larger (about 30 users) and has better network connectivity. Does this office need a DNS Server and, if so what type of zone would you recommend?Response:Dear Junior Admin; I really appreciate the opportunity to assist you in regards to implementing Active Directory & DNS Servers in your â€Å"Windows†environment. Let me start by saying that without DNS your network will more than likely not function because clients will not be able to resolve names to (IP) addresses, also DNS enables network devices such as printers and computers to communicate on the internet or locate one another within the organizations local network. Based on the give n scenario, you have made an excellent choice of configuring the â€Å"Active Directory Integrated Zones†because Active Directory has the following benefits: Fault Tolerance – Redundant copy of DNS zone information can be stored on multiple servers. Security – DACL can be modified by specified user groups.Zones are Multimaster – zones can be updated in more than one location. Efficient Replication – Zone transfers are replaced by more efficient Active Directory replication. Maintain use of secondary zones – if needed.Note: Since Active Directory-Integrated Zones follow a multimaster update model which means all zones contain a read/write copy of the zone and can make changes to the zone information, â€Å"primary and secondary distinctions are not necessary.†The smaller Branch office with (5) users will require will house what would normally be your Secondary Server, utilizing the Active Directory with Integrated Zones will compensa te for the slow network because it will avoid forcing queries across a slow wide area network link. The larger Branch office with (30) users certainly requires the utilization of DNS & Active Directory Integrated Zones†and will house what would
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Isolated Chloroplasts Bad Example
Light Reactions in Isolated Chloroplasts Racquel Currie University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Hypothesis If isolated chloroplasts are boiled, the enzymes that occur in photosynthesis are disrupted and the DCIP will not reduce. Chloroplasts are a type of plastid found within the plant they are the basis of photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis there would be no life on earth. Photosynthesis takes the energy from sunlight and coverts it into a chemical energy that can be used by the plant.Isolating chloroplast is a way to separate plastids in order to study the details of the single cell. Isolating the chloroplast helps better understand the functions and helps determine if the isolated chloroplasts are adequate to complete photosynthesis. Biological activity will be determined by using a dye, dichlorophenolindophenol (DCIP), as a final electron acceptor. Using spectrophotometry, the reduction of DCIP will be measured to follow the dye from an oxidized (DCIP) to a reduced sta te (DCIPH2) as it accepts electrons from photosystem I (1). Boiling affects the Materials and MethodsIn order to isolate the chloroplasts, the process had to have been completed rapidly in subdued light. When the solutions were not being used they were stored on ice. Ten spinach leaves were rinsed and deveined. They were then placed over ice and chopped with a razor. After, the spinach was placed between eight layers of cheesecloth to squeeze all the liquid derived from the spinach. The liquid was then diluted by adding 20mL of homogenizing buffer (HB). The solution was added to a pre-cooled conical centrifuge tube, and was then centrifuged at 1000 x g for one minute.After, the solution was transferred to another pre-cooled centrifuge tube and was centrifuged at 3000 x g for one minute. Centrifugation resulted in the deposition of a green pellet on the wall of the centrifuge tube near the surface of the liquid (2). This green pellet, together with the green liquid, was separated fro m the more dense material that had been deposited at the bottom of the tube (2). The supernatant was decanted, and the pellet was re-suspended in 10 mL of HB. The final centrifuged process occurred at 3000 x g for one minute.After the final centrifuge the supernatant was poured off and discarded. The isolated chloroplasts were re-suspended and mixed with 10ML of suspension solution (SS). After this process to isolate the chloroplast it was stored on ice and was stable for two to four hours. After the isolation of chloroplasts the question was asked if boiled chloroplast would reduce DCIP reaction mixture, and would this affect the activity of electrons from photosystem 1. 0. 1 mL of chloroplast was measured with a pipette into a tube and then suspended in boiling water for one minute.A spectrometer was used and set to 0 (set at 600nm). There was also a control used, which was chloroplast that went through the same methods as above, although it did not get boiled (heated). The contro l was measured by the spectrometer and the treated (boiled) sample was measured immediately after the boiling process. The control and treatment was then exposed to bright light for 15 second intervals. After each interval the color density was measured by the spectrometer. This process continued until there was no change in the color density. ResultsFigure 1 Figure 2 Discussion DCIP was used as a marker to indicate if the photosynthesis was still taking place in the isolated chloroplasts after boiling. The DCIP replaced the NAPD enzyme. The hypothesis, if isolated chloroplasts are boiled, the enzymes that occur in photosynthesis are disrupted and the DCIP will not reduce was shown to be true based on the results of figure one and two. Where as the control’s color density did decrease with the exposed light intervals. Literature Cited 1. K. Sami Nichols Light reactions in isolated chloroplasts Lab 2. C.RALPH STOCKING. Chloroplast Isolation in non-aqueous media. Plant Physiolo gy 56-60. http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC541142/pdf/plntphys00351-0065. pdf 3. Paul Armond Heat-induced changes of chlorophyll fluorescence in isolated chloroplasts and related heat-damage at the pigment level. Carnegie Institution of Washington http://www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/000527287890138X 4. Eric Tuan The Effect of Light Conditions and Boiling on the Rate of Photosynthesis by Isolated Chloroplasts http://www. grochbiology. org/aplabwriteupexample. htm
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