Saturday, November 30, 2019
Walmarts Organizational Structure Essay Example For Students
Walmarts Organizational Structure Essay Wall-Marts Organizational Structure MGM 230 Wall-Marts Organizational Structure In 1962, in Roger, Arkansas, Sam Walton had this brilliant idea that American consumers needed a different type of store so he opened Wall-Mart on the other hand in the same year, Dayton Hudson corporation opened The first Target store in 1962 in the Minneapolis suburb of Roseville, Mini. , with a focus on convenient shopping at competitive discount prices. Today, Target remains committed to providing a one-stop shopping experience for guests by delivering differentiated merchandise and outstanding value with its Expect More. Pay [emailprotected] brand promise. Target currently is the second largest general merchandise retailer in America, with Target. Com consistently being ranked as one of the most-visited retail Web sites. (Target. Com) Organizational Structure is a way that an organization arranges people and jobs so that it can be executed and its goals and objectives can be met, Wall-Mart was constructed into a three product divisional structure. The successful world retailers business categories include Wall-Mart Stores, Cams Club, and International stores, Wall-Mart was built on three beliefs such as great customer service, striving for excellence, and respecting other individual. We will write a custom essay on Walmarts Organizational Structure specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Like Wall-Mart, Target also strives on customer satisfaction. Targets objective is to make themselves the preferred shopping destination for their guests by giving them vale, innovation, and an outstanding experience. (Target, 2010) Wall-Mart and Target, being the two largest retail stores in the IS_S. , are focused on providing their customers with great products and low prices. Their Organizational Structure is vertical; however With the way that it is growing it is more horizontal due to the fact that it is expanding globally. With Target being vertical as well, they focus the marketing on the middle class While Wall-Mart gets lower class. Wall-Mart is breaking out into being more global but Target is just branching out to global countries such as India. With Wall-Mart having over 8500 retail locations under 55 banners in 15 countries and having more than 2 million people on their team %rage Corporation is an upscale discount retailer that provides high-quality, on-trend merchandise at attractive prices in clean, spacious and guest-friendly stores. In addition, Target operates an online business, Target. Mom, Minneapolis-based Target serves guests at 11763 stores in 49 states and at Target. Com, and also operates 37 distribution centers nationally. Target also has more than 355,000 team members worldwide and is consistently recognized as an employer tot choice. (Target, 2010) 80th companies are focused on going above and beyond their objectives and providing great value, products, and services. Their diff erences occur when Wall-Mart aggressively lets everyone who wants to save money where they need to Target goes after the middle class shoppers vivo want more name brand products at a general price. As we look at Wall-Marts Organizational Function, their marketing plan is simplicity. Their competitors are retail stores that focus on the same products ND services, but however, Wall-Mart Stays ahead Of the competition by thriving off being the leader of low prices. Their approach is monopolistic because they are the most convenient as far as location and store hours. They Offer twenty four our services and they have many locations to go to. The Wall-Mart superstructures are making it hard for a lot Of stores to Stay open and even struggling with the profits of the stores such as grocery stores. Wall-Mart offers a variety of products and services which includes Auto. Care, Optical Department, Urgent Care facilities, hair and nails, Home Garden department, fast food Hahn, food products, clothes, and jewelry. They also use advertising with television ads and online services as well for a marketing approach, With the advertising, they let their customers know that they have the lowest prices of any retailer and they will continue dropping if another competitor tries to beat their quality and prices. .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 , .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 .postImageUrl , .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 , .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36:hover , .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36:visited , .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36:active { border:0!important; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36:active , .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36 .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8754a42af8f1a941d309fa259ca51a36:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: cap punishment EssayOrganizational Function tot Finance within Wall-Mart is that every businesses goal is to make a profit worth staying in business for. Organizational Function of Finance comes with trying to figure out when is the need to let some of your employees go in order to increase operational efficiencies, support strategic growth plans and help reduce their overall costs. Now the organizational function of Human Resources within Wall-Mart makes it mandatory for employees to train on diversity and ethics. They also conduct more training sessions on leadership, customer service, and mentoring programs. Organizational Design is the alignment Of structure, process, rewards, metrics and talent with the strategy of the business. Organizational Design may involve strategic decisions, but is properly viewed as a path to effective strategy execution. Differentiations in a corporation means for a corporation to be vided into different divisions and each division Within the company has its own goals and task to accomplish. A divisional structure is broken down into three different areas such as product, market, and geographic. Managers have a responsibility to focus on the structure of the store and bring in positive results. Another organizational design is product structure, market structure, and geographic structure. Geographic structures groups their employees based on the geographical location which Wall-Mart uses this structure because it has stores running globally, Finally matrix structure groups their employees by unction and product within the different departments. This structure is one tot the most difficult structures. An example is Cams Club and Wall-Mart International being organized as follows, sales department, customer service, and accounting, However Cams Club is a little bit different because they would have the same departments, but have their own projects and tasks. In conclusion, Wall-Mart being a successful retail store has a horizontal Structure. It avgas compared and contrasted to the second largest retail store in Target. Organizational functions in marketing are simplicity and constantly push or being the low price leader.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Relationship Between Shelia and Mrs. Birling in ‘an Inspector Calls’. Essay Essay Example
The Relationship Between Shelia and Mrs. Birling in ‘an Inspector Calls’. Essay Essay Example The Relationship Between Shelia and Mrs. Birling in ‘an Inspector Calls’. Essay Essay The Relationship Between Shelia and Mrs. Birling in ‘an Inspector Calls’. Essay Essay Research how Priestly presents and develops the relationship between Shelia and Mrs. Birling in ‘An Inspector Calls’ . Priestly uses duologue and phase waies to demo a nothingness between different coevalss. Although Mrs. Birling is Shelia’s female parent she still refers to her as a ‘girl [ s ] ’ . The audience can feel Mrs. Birling’s condescending tone and how she still retains the position that Shelia is an immature and nescient ‘girl [ s ] ’ even though she is a to the full grown grownup who will shortly be wed. This is dry as it is in fact Mrs. Birling who is the nescient character in the drama when she states that Eric and Shelia are ‘over-tired’ and will ‘be as diverted as’ the older Birlings are in the forenoon. but the audience know this is false and the younger coevals of Birlings have matured and learnt far more than their seniors. Priestly genuinely shows Shelia’s development and adulthood as she changes her address term for Mrs. Birling from ‘mommy’ to ‘mother’ . The usage of the word ‘mother’ is much more degage and formal and suggests Shelia has broken out of the conformance of her mother’s denigration sentiments. In this short infinite of text Priestly reveals Shelia as an adaptable and developing character in the drama. To both a modern twenty-four hours and 1945 audience. naming an engaged adult females a ‘girl’ is pathetic and patronizing. but so once more Shelia is a spoiled ‘mummy’s’ miss to get down with. Priestly is demoing how the younger coevals must lift up and take their topographic point in society alternatively of staying spoon Federal and ignorant. It takes a large event. Eva Smith’s decease. for Shelia to gain this but to a 1945 audience this would vibrate as with the wake of a war in forepart of them and ‘millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths’ who died in that really war. priestly portrays that this is a better clip than any to take the reins. This suggests. to promote societal alteration. Priestly believes people need to be able to accommodate and alter their thoughts like the younger coevals in the text. Priestly generates tenseness and struggle between Shelia and Mrs. Birling by making Irony. When Shelia says ‘what do you intend by stating that? You talk as if we were responsible’ . this will subsequently go dry as Shelia is the character that focuses on and learns the most from the fact the household ‘were responsible’ . This denotes a self-conflict and development in Shelia’s character as she breaks off from her mother’s positions and becomes ‘responsible’ for her actions. Here Priestly is demoing the audience how we should look at ourselves instead than fault person else or disregard the effects as Mrs. Birling does. The divide between socialist and capitalist positions is emphasised by the apposition of ‘you’ and ‘we’ . the reiterates the older Birlings’ introverted doctrine and their denial to populate in a wider community but alternatively their desire ‘for a adult male to mind his ain business’ and go on to deny duty. Priestly uses duologue to show and develop dependence in the relationship between Shelia and Mrs. Birling. When Sheila is warning her female parent about ‘building up a wall’ between her and Eva. her following utterance high spots Shelia’s consciousness to the Inspector’s methods and intent. ‘He hasn’t started on you yet. This indicative mood is written in italics which in a drama would let an histrion to redact their tone and portray Priestly’s thoughts on coevals divide to the audience and emphasises how Shelia wants to protect her female parent from uncovering her egotistic and narrow minded positions. this allows the audience to place with her and see her as an surrogate hero in the drama. Here Priestly is demoing how the younger coevals are much more mature than many people think but lack the assurance to force through their thoughts and need the blessing and support of the older coevalss. With the war in 1945 societal alteration was inevitable as immature work forces and adult females were forced to function their state and take up their topographic point in society. throughout the drama priestly praises and encourages the young person of 1945. particularly adult females as they have a much more active function in society. through the characters of Shelia and Eric whom besides begin to take a base and gain their. potency and their value in society. Again Priestley’s duologue between Shelia and Mrs. Birling reveals tenseness at the bosom of their relationship. Despite being ‘very pleased with themselves’ the duologue and phase waies in the early pages of the drama suggest otherwise. When Shelia accuses Eric of being ‘squiffy’ Mrs. Birling responds. mentioning to her as a ‘girl [ s ] ’ . This conveys and immediate difference between the two females positions on societal etiquette. The exclamatory sentences Mrs. Birling uses reflect her daze and repulsive force that Shelia would utilize a conversational term such as ‘squiffy’ . The audience besides acquire an indicant that Mrs. Birling doesn’t regard Shelia as a adult adult female whose sentiments are valued. Shelia is a bride to be and is an grownup in her ain right nevertheless her female parent persists to utilize the instead take downing noun ‘ girl’ to depict her girl. Priestly is assailing the older coevals for compressing their children’s singularity and trying to make ringers of what he sees as a failing coevals. He expresses his belief that the authoritative phrase ‘children should be seen and non heard’ is exhaustively outdated and kids should be given a voice of their ain and be single.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Gasland Movie Essay
Gasland Movie Essay Gasland Movie Essay Introduction The documentary film Gasland made by Josh Fox narrates the story of environmental degradation in the USA and its reasons. In particular, the author conducted his own investigation across the country in order to find out whether the grim rumors concerning the hydraulic fracturing were true. The film provides experts opinions, witnesses recollections and calculations based on observations in order to show that the matter is serious and it must be confronted as soon as possible. It also employed emotional appeals (like love for Nature and desire to be healthy and happy) to peoples values and code of ethics in order to cause a resentment and disgust concerning the terrible things which some people deliberately make. The author uses the technique of vivid imagery to enhance his argument – each event, location or technological process which could be unknown to its audience and therefore – hinder to view the film without constant interruptions for respective inquiry – were explained. It has a lot of strong points and only a heartless or a mad person cannot be convinced by this film. As for me, several aspects of this film convinced me that â€Å"fracking†is a very dangerous practice and that it should be prohibited. First of all, the film is the result of a natural suspicion which everyone would experience if he or she suddenly received such a tempting proposal. Second of all, it is filled with testimonies of victims of â€Å"fracking†and evidences given by experts in the field of environmental protection, chemistry and so forth. Fox even managed to get the insider information from whistleblowers from institutions which were supposed to regulate the problem in q uestion. And finally, it is clear that Fox had no commercial interest in making this film and that purely ethical reasons forced him to make this research and present it to others. First body paragraph From the very beginning any viewer can get the feeling that it is full of mysteries or even conspiracies. It starts from short glimpses at the beauty of local nature to attract attention of its audience. Then those images are abruptly ended with some court hearing where apparently representatives of gas companies defend their new method of gas mining which is hydraulic fracturing. At first, Josh Fox (the author of the film) seems to be hesitating about what is the best place to start his narration. He decided to provide some official information and then check if all that stuff was true. Marcellus Shale was the Saudi Arabia of natural gas according to one of such official statements and it was presented as a life buoy for the country which is one of the biggest consumers of fuel (Fox, 2010). However, that remains to be seen whether it was the U.S. blessing or its biggest curse. What would it mean if the United States and the rest of the world adopted natural gas as the fuel of the fu ture? (Fox, 2010). That answer is what this film is trying to find. Second body paragraph Gas supplies in America are considered to be so rich that they are often compared to a virtual ocean of natural gas. That expression belongs to some experts which the mentioned representatives and consultants of gas companies keep referring to convince judges, government and the entire nation that their hands are clean, that they did not do anything bad and that their only aim was to make the country (as well as its people) independent of natural gas import and instead of buying fuel from other countries extract gas at home. Such argumentation is aimed at deceiving common people that it is not a bad idea and that everybody will only win from it fuel prices will fall or at least stabilize while average income in the USA will increase. What is there not to like? Such representatives provide results of some probably non-existent or forged researches which claim that fracking is beneficial not only to economy, but to environment as well. At the same time they easily refute any counter argument providing no evidence at all as if it was an indisputable fact. Third body paragraph It all started in 2009 when Josh received a letter with a lucrative offer to sell Foxs house for approximately 100,000 dollars or to rent part of his territory for rather generous reward. He describes that he was quite surprised to get such an offer and decided to find out what was going on in those neighborhoods where the same method of gas extracting (fracking) has been already used. Fox went to the closest area called Dimock in Pennsylvania where such wells were already drilled. It was a small place with no major highways. A place where you could easily forget the world, forget yourself, disappear completely. I was going there because Ive heard a lot of complaints and because Ive heard the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection had said that everything was going fine (Fox, 2010). He found that water in such areas was no longer fresh since it was mixed with natural gas and in some cases the percentage of gas was so high that water could catch on fire if some source of fire was near. People suffered from stomach disorders, their pets and other animals were losing hair and in one case an entire well exploded. Fox also calculated that each well was used for several (around 4 to 5) times and that each of such wells required approximately of 1 billion gallons of water mixed with chemicals. Moreover, only half of that water was turning back which means that the rest remained under the surface literally poisoning the land (Fox, 2010). Representatives of respective companies denied the negative effect they had on environment, but at the same time none of them was brave enough to taste the water from local wells. Later on Fox discovered that gas companies decided to extract gas from peoples wells since it was too obvious that a lot of natural gas came out of them. Fox wanted to find out whether the Dimock case was a rule or an exception. It turned out to be a rule and that meant that 34 states were overshadowed by the incoming doom. Fourth body paragraph One can easily notice the atmosphere of the film. It is rather gloomy and kind of retrospective because the narration starts as an old legend which was documented on amateurish video. Perhaps that was made on purpose in order to emphasize the fact that this film was not ordered by some competitor, but was created to show the real state of affairs in the USA in terms of environmental pollution. It is true that Fox uses a lot of emotional appeals during the film to share not only the facts, but also his feelings too. At the beginning of the film he said: I am not a pessimist. Ive always had a great deal of faith in people. That we would not succumb to frenzy or rage or greed. That we will figure out the solution without destroying the things that we love (Fox, 2010). This particular phrase shows that he as most people are an optimist, but sad and even frightening reality made him review his former beliefs. Closer to the end of the film Josh Fox literally cried near some contaminated s pring: I had tried to keep anger and sorrow and pain, but the moment I knelt down at the wide creek looked upspring and noticed the band it reminded me of home and I broke apart (Fox, 2010). It is obvious though that he did not wanted to use that as a manipulative tool, he just wanted to stress how much he cared about the problem in question. Fifth body paragraph Fox uses emotional appeals like we should preserve the things that we love in order to enhance his point. I do not think that that is a manipulative move because this films aim is not to manipulate, but to make people review their lifestyles, behavior (like consumerism) and principles by looking closely at the consequent problems. One must understand that we all contribute to that problem. Besides, it must be said that manipulation is a hidden influence the aim of which is to make a person to do something which that person would never do at its own will. In case with this film however, audience perfectly knows the goal of it and it is not resentful to its viewers. Persuasion and manipulation are not the same things although they are often confused. Music often does not correspond to images shown in the film. The author must have used that trick in order not only show the woes which were happening to Nature, but to highlight the incompatibility of the idea of happy life with our prese nt lifestyle. If people continue to live their lives ignoring this problem then there would be no future for entire human race. Our civilization is already declining since people do nothing to stop that madness. Sixth body paragraph While watching this film one might wonder why all that happened in the first place or why those people (cowboys and farmers) sold or leased their land to such monsters. The answer however, is quite simple. An attentive viewer could easily notice the way those people were dressed, what cars or houses they had in order to deduce that all of them are not representatives of the middle class which America is so proud of. On the contrary, most if not all of them could be referred to as representatives of the lower middle class whose income is not that big to refuse from rather lucrative suggestions which Fox mentioned at the beginning of the film. And the same could be said about the workers who work at corporations like Halliburton to make money for their families even at the expense of their own health since chemical burns are only some of the health-related problems which people exposed to fracturing fluids experience. The latter ranges from headaches, dizziness and stomach problems to burnt lungs and brain tumors (Fox, 2010). People who lived close to such wells for too long had an irreversible brain damage and lost some of their senses. Such people do not have plans for the future, they only care about how to get through another day of such living (Fox, 2010). Conclusion The film ends featuring windmills which generate electricity hinting that there is a way out. It also means that energy-related problems can be solved if only alternative sources of energy are employed. However, the same could not be said about our nature. It will take hundreds of generations to heal our planet from the impact of hydraulic fracturing and the like practices, but what is even worse is that there is a possibility that such type of mining can spread around the world and that would mark the end of human civilization on Earth. I dont know what is going to happen about the rest of the United States. I guess a large part of that is gets up to you. One thing I found deep inside is a love for this whole country (Fox, 2010). I was definitely convinced by the author of this film that something had to be done immediately because sooner or later that same problem will hit the rest of the U.S. and the world as well.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Expectations regarding the role of women by their families in India Essay
Expectations regarding the role of women by their families in India - Essay Example Women in India are expected to depend upon men in almost every matter of life. Although roaming about of women on their own is considered a sign of modernity and perceived as self-confidence on the part of the women, yet it is translated negatively when it comes to considering such independent women for marriage. One of the families searching for a bride for their son expressed their perception about such independent women in these words, â€Å"A girl who ‘roams about’ the city by herself is not the girl for our family†(Nanda 429). In order for the married couple to live a prosperous life, it is considered imperative that the bride is below the groom in a variety of matters that include but are not limited to height, education, and professional status. Although the people of India are generally very optimistic about getting their daughters educated especially in the contemporary age, yet when it comes to marriage, too much education is a demerit rather than a mer it because the boys on average themselves are not very highly educated. The Indian society has established family as the first and the foremost priority for women and everything else including profession falls secondary to it. Girls are expected to have their marriage arranged by their parents rather than searching for their husbands themselves.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Human Resource Manager Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Resource Manager - Assignment Example pments in the field of Human Resource (HR), the companies emphasised the need of investing sufficient amount of funds in creation of a workforce that will allow it to maintain its edge in the industry (Truss & Gill, 2009). It is generally believed that personnel management and HRM are similar concepts and there is a minor difference between the two. On the other hand, the proponents of HRM are of the viewpoint that the role of HRM has widened by a considerable extent and it covers a wide range of aspects that were overlooked by personnel managers (`Marchington, 2008). Human Resource Management is given its due respect and importance in firms which was not the case usually observed under the role of personnel management. Generally, personnel management is referred to the set of activities that concern the workforce such as staffing, contractual obligations, payroll and various administrative responsibilities; it shows that it was more concerned with managing people as compared to the resources. On the other hand, HRM takes a holistic approach by ensuring that there is a proper fit and alignment between the organisation’s objectives and its long-term performance. In HRM, the employees are given utmost attention so that their goals are aligned with the business objectives; both people and resources are efficiently utilised (Armstrong, 2006). The personnel management is concerned more with meeting day-to-day activities and focuses on meeting the employees’ current needs. Whereas, in HRM, the main focus is on the employees’ long-term needs and providing them the opportunities to develop their skills and competencies so that they can be proactive and handle their responsibilities properly. In personnel management, employees were considered as a cost but in HRM, employees are valued as vital assets of the company (Srivastava, 2010). Since HRM takes into account all the mandatory aspects required by the organisations to enhance their performance in the market and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Sons and lovers Essay Example for Free
Sons and lovers Essay In the time that Lawrence Wrote women were thought of as being pure and truthful. Women play an important role in this novel as it often makes us wonder do these characters really exist in reality. Lawrence, in his book Sons and Lovers shares with us many different types of women, in this critical analysis of women in Sons and Lovers I will be dealing with three women Mrs. Morel, Miriam and Lily. Mrs. Morel is the most significant of all the women in the novel, seeing that everything revolves around her. She dislikes her husband because of his persistent consumption of alcohol and the way he abuses her, because of this she focuses all her time and devotion the her two young sons Paul and William. Her love that she gives he two sons can be interpreted as being incestuous desires for instance when Paul is telling his mother that he does not love Miriam and he continuously kisses her. She is treating William and Paul as her partners and is very controlling and she insists on having complete control over them for example when Paul is getting too close to Miriam, Mrs. Morel fears that she will lose control over him and that Miriam being the person that she is will change and bring out the best in Paul. She also fears that Paul is going to forget about her and she is going to be left alone with her drunken abusive husband. As a result of this she chases and treats Miriam badly. The kind of love that is given by Mrs. Morel to her sons is very stifling and there is not much that can come out of such a relationship, because of this Paul is undeveloped and depends on her for everything, he does not know how to be in a relationship and he tells his mother, â€Å"I will not be able to love another as long as you live†this line is important to note because it not only shows that Mrs. Morel’s love is damaging her son but it is also a foreshadowing of what is to come later on in the text. Miriam is another type of woman that Lawrence introduces us to in the novel, she is very shy and soft spoken and slowly falls in love with Paul, she is very spiritual and holy somewhat like a saint/pre-mundane which is spiritual and heavenly. I believe that Miriam will be the salvation of Paul and save him from his mother. She really loves Paul and he is continuously pushing her away because of that stifling attitude of his mother. Miriam has the Power to break Paul away from his mother but does not realize this, or the problem may be that she is not the fighting type and cannot stand up firm to Mrs. Morel. Paul teaches her French and Algebra but Miriam seems not to understand the algebra and Paul gets extremely annoyed by this he does not understand why she cannot grasp it. He is mean to her because of this and she is extremely clam about the whole situation. Miriam is extremely close to her siblings and takes extremely good care of them and because of this Paul is very angry with her, he does not understand why she does what she does. This is so because Paul was not used to having that amount of love among his siblings. This conflict can also be interpreted as Paul being jealous of the relationship that Miriam has with her siblings. Lilly, a woman that William falls in love with on his stay in London is portrayed to the readers as a Gold-Digger who does not really care about William; she is only with him because of his money and not because of love. Lilly is very rude towards Anne, William’s sister, she orders Anne around on their visit to William’s house. William tells his mother about Lilly and his mother says to leave her. Shortly after when William dies the Morels never hear from Lilly again, only on this one time that she writes to Mrs. Morel stating that she has moved on. The Women in this novel Sons and Lovers play a very important role and has extreme effects on many of the characters whether it be the power of control and possessiveness the fact is that women is symbolic to Lawrence in some way.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Galileo And The Telescope :: essays research papers
Galileo was not the person who invented the telescope, but he was the first one to use the telescope to study the heavens. He made many observations using the telescope that shocked the religious world. In this short essay, I will only focus on three observations and how an Aristotlean reacts to it. These observations played a very important role on the development of astronomy. The first object he observed was the moon. Through his observations he concluded that the moon’s surface was very irregular and imperfect. He saw that the moon’s surface had mountains and valleys. It also consists of many other irregular shapes. This was a very big contradiction to Aristotle’s theory. To Aristotleans the world was the center of the universe and that it was perfect. This showed us the holes in the celestial realm. It is not perfect like people believed it to be. If the moon had all of these imperfections, then any other member of the universe could also be this way. It also showed the Earth to be just a planet. Not the unique figure thought to be. It is not unique. In fact, it was regular because the moon also had the same properties. The second observation was the four moons of Jupiter. Galileo observed points of light that changed their positions with time around the Planet. These points he concluded were the four moons that orbit Jupiter. It showed that there were things in the heavens that Aristotle knew nothing about. The was not unique anymore because it wasn’t the only planet to have objects orbit it. And last but not least, Galileo saw that the Earth shines on the moon. It showed the Earth to be a little less celestial. The Earth can shine on another object like any regular object. It is not as special as initially thought to be. Aristotleans around the world did not want to accept these observations.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Behaviour Change Model-Reflection
I chose this tact as I believed my diet was eating my requirements for both macro and microinstructions and was closely aligned with recommended servings in The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating. (1) upon reflection of the first days food record, I saw that my diet was inadequate. I was not meeting the serving suggestions for most of the food groups and I was lacking in calcium and iron. So, the next day I concentrated on hitting the targets for calcium and Iron. It was a full day of classes at University, so I had to make sure I ate a lunch that was rich In Iron and had servings from the required food groups. ) usually when I have a full day at university, Ill have a large breakfast at home and if I do eat between classes, it will be a piece of fruit. I chose a lamb and lentil curry, which is high in iron and also contains calcium. After eating I felt very full and did not enjoy the meal. By dinner time I was still full and not looking forward to dinner, but knew that there were st ill nutrients I needed to consume and food groups I had to have serves from. Before bed that day I felt very uncomfortable as If I had eaten far too much food.But everything I ate was In line with The Australian Gulled to Healthy(l) eating as well as the Nutrient Reference Values set out in Australian guidelines for pregnant women. (2) On Friday I woke early in the morning for work and had a family wedding in the evening. I was unable to eat anything for most of that day as it was so busy. For the first time since starting the diet, I thought about alcohol as it was being served all around me and I was constantly asked by staff and family if I wanted a drink.Having to politely say no to people all night and explaining to family members hat I wasn't actually pregnant, was difficult and frustrating. Influencing factors The reason I decided to not pro-actively ensure that my diet met the requirements for a pregnant female, was because I truly believed by eliminating foods that were a p otential source of listener, mercury, vitamin A, alcohol and caffeine, my diet would closely meet the necessary guidelines. My theory was incorrect and I realize that to meet these requirements I would need to do a lot of planning and pre preparation of meals and find times to eat them.The external factors that influenced my decision making were environmental and physical. I ate what was available at the time and was limited by this. Alternative strategy and when. By not taking a proactive approach to your daily menu, it is left up to what is available in fast food options, which are often large greasy meals that you cannot be sure of preparation and ingredients. Learning To meet the necessary requirements, a pregnant woman needs to eat a large amount of food and plan and pre prepare meals.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
By the River by Steven Herrick Essay
Steven Herrick’s work of â€Å"By the river†displays a bildungsroman novel in which harry goes on a journey through life, facing love and loss. Steven Herrick’s verse novel â€Å"By the River†is very successful in conveying the significant ideas about human nature. He uses key themes such as grief, environmental influence and coming of age to explore these ideas. To convey the themes Herrick uses multiple techniques such as imagery, repetition, personification and positive and negative influence throughout his text. Grief is a key theme throughout Herrick’s novel â€Å"By the River†highlighting the suffering and distress from losing a loved one. Herrick explores this theme through the death of Harry Hodby’s mother and his close friend Linda. The first element of grief depicted in the novel is shown through the quotes â€Å"we sit in the tender shade/leave him to share some time with our mother/his wife. Herrick uses collective nouns in this quote to convey the ownership of the mother that not only does it show her titles but also it shows the roles within their lives. Herrick then uses personification to describe the â€Å"tender shade†and how it has a positive connotation displaying his positive outlook on grief. A second element that is depicted throughout Herrick’s novel is shown in the quote â€Å"and dad/alone in the kitchen/stirring his tea/until it was cold in the cup†Herrick uses imagery in this quote to display the numbness in his life. By using the theme grief we clearly see the ideas about human nature and how they can have a positive and negative outlook on life. Steven Herrick explores the idea that environment can define who you are. Herrick uses imagery to show the impact of setting on Harry. He shows Harry’s confusion in the first poem â€Å"The Colour of My Town. †Harry shows us the effects the environment of the place he has grown up in has had on his identity. And example of this would be â€Å"after listening to all these ugly little voices, I want to run away†. Herrick personifies the voices creating the impression that the voices has an effect over Harry making it hard for him to chose certain decisions that would shape parts of his life. Also the use of depressive connotations like squashed and dead in â€Å"A dead snake, cane toads squash flat, nothing that lives, and nothing that shines†. Herrick uses this theme to create a sense of the environmental effect on Harry Hodby’s identity, and to show the significant ideas about human nature. Coming of age is another major theme throughout Herrick’s novel â€Å"By the River†. In this novel we see Harry go on a journey through childhood to adolescence experiencing various changes and pleasures of life in a country town. In the quote â€Å"I see clearly now/which part of me/is my dads/the part inside/the good part/the part that knows/Johnny Barlow/Linda/the ring/the white cross†Herrick uses a list method and lists multiple things to show how much Harry has taken in over time and realized what has actually happened throughout his journey. This shows his change from child to adolescence. Herrick uses the repetition of the word â€Å"part†to emphasise to his readers that Harry has finally found the part of him, which belongs to his dad. Coming of age is a very important theme in this novel and expresses very significant ideas about human nature. Herrick was very successful in conveying the key elements of human nature by expressing them through the themes, grief, environmental influence and coming of age. The poetic techniques Herrick used to explore these themes are clearly shown throughout his verse novel â€Å"By the River†. As an audience we watch Harry Hodby go from child to adolescence and observe the various changes of life in a country town.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Of Human Bondage essays
Of Human Bondage essays Family, love, and friendships are a few of the many colorful threads that are taken and woven into a tapestry of life. Every person one meets on the way will influence the patterns of that tapestry. Every incident, be it tragic or cheerful, will guide the shuttle to take on new directions. With this in mind, William Somerset Maughams autobiographical novel Of Human Bondage offers the reader a first person perspective on the first thirty years of a young mans life. Philip Carey was born with a clubbed-foot. Many critics believe that this birth defect paralleled Maughams own trouble with stammering. This handicap acted as a basis for all the anxiety and self-consciousness that shadowed Philips life. As readers, we shadowed Philip as well, following him from childhood in England, to adulthood in Germany, adventures in Paris, and back to a village on the British coast. Together with Philip, we were drawn into a world of cynicism, passion, hatred, and the yearning to become someone greater. In the beginning, innocence reigned. As a little boy who was just orphaned, Philip took everything in, not comprehending his situation. There was simplicity in his thoughts and naivete in his actions. He soon developed self-consciousness about his clubbed-foot, however, when he was sent to an all boys school. He was endlessly humiliated by his fellow classmates and was treated differently by the teachers. When he did something wrong, the teacher would not cane Philip like he would any other wrong doer because Philip was a cripple. Having suffered years of shame and loneliness, Philip was truly grateful to finally make a friend. Rose was very popular with the boys. He was outgoing and whimsical, and Philip was honored to have Rose treat him as a normal person. There comes a time, unfortunately, in many friendships when one of the people involved becomes possessive. Philip became jealous of Roses...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Character Development and True Love in Anton Chekhov’s “The Lady with the Dogâ€Â
A study of the theme of true love and character development in the lady with the dog by Anton Chekhov In 1899, Anton Chekhov published a short story of two lovers’ clandestine affair called â€Å"The Lady with the Dog†. Dmitri Dmitritch Gurov, the story’s main character, sees a young woman walking a dog on the sea-front in Yalta. It is said that everyone calls her the lady with the dog. One day, the lady sits next to Dmitri and he strikes up a conversation with her. He learns that her name is Anna Sergeyevna, and that she is visiting Yalta on vacation. He also learns that she is married, like himself. Over the course of a week, Dmitri and Anna grow close and spend a lot of time together. Dmitri, being used to affairs with many different women, sees Anna no differently from the rest at first. However, as time moves along and Anna is urged to return home, Dmitri realizes that his affair has turned into something much greater. For the first time, Dmitri feels as though he is in love. The character development of Dmitri in this story is used to support the progressio n of the main theme, true love. In the beginning of the story, Dmitri’s characterization of being withdrawn and a philanderer supports the conclusion that he has a lack of love in his life. Chekhovs description reveals that he is unhappy with his current situation. He looks down on women, especially his wife, and seems to dislike everything about his home and family. The narrator says, â€Å"[†¦] he secretly considered her [his wife] unintelligent, narrow, inelegant [†¦] and did not like to be at home. He had begun being unfaithful to her long ago – had been unfaithful to her often, and probably on that account, almost always spoke ill of women, and when they were talked about in his presence, used to call them ‘the lower race’†(252). It is made clear that Dmitri really has no true feelings towards his wife other than the ill-willed ones. He tends to view women as below him, and treats them as objects as seen clear by his multiple affairs. It would be fair to say that Dm itri is cold and unloving at this point in the story. This is spoken of in a literary overview: â€Å"Gurov at first seems to be a shallow philanderer whose view of women shows him to be without emotional or spiritual depth†. He has no regard for the women he is involved with physically. There is no emotional connection formed, even with his own wife. Many of these personality traits of being cold and disconnected can be attributed to the lack of love, or any form of strong positive emotion, in Dmitri’s life. As time progresses with the affair, and Dmitri begins developing feelings for Anna, his personality changes dramatically. He begins to look at Anna as more than just another women. He shows his feelings, and his perspective on the world around him change. Dmitri goes from being bored and disconnected to being fascinated and deeply involved: â€Å"He told Anna Sergeyevna how beautiful she was, how fascinating. He was impatiently passionate, he would not move a step away from her†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Chekhov 256). Dmitri is in love; although he does not realize this. He is no longer looking at Anna the way he views his past affairs. He is even holding her in a higher light than he does his own wife. As well as having stronger and more positive feelings towards Anna, Dmitri is having more positive feelings towards the world: â€Å"In reality everything is beautiful in this world when one reflects [†¦]†(Chekhov 256). His natural and uncontrolled feelings towards Anna are making h im a happier, or at least more content, person. The world that was once so boring and bland is now something beautiful. Dmitri’s personality and behavior change represent the presence of true love, whether noticed by Dmitri or not. The change in Dmitri’s personality due to true love, or the lack thereof, is seen again in the story when Anna leaves to return to her husband. At first, still believing the affair is somewhat like the others, Dmitri returns to Moscow in a good mood. As a month goes by, he is convinced that the memory of Anna will fade away and he will no longer be affected by her. However, much to his dismay, Anna never strays from his mind. The narrator says, â€Å"[†¦] From time to time [Anna] would visit him in his dreams with a touching smile as others did. But more than a month passed [†¦] and everything was still clear in his memory [†¦.] Anna Sergeyevna did not visit him in dreams, but followed him about everywhere like a shadow and haunted him†(257). At this point, Dmitri is beginning to realize that something is different about Anna. Something new is happening that has obviously never happened before. Even when Dmitri is around his children he thinks of Anna. S he is the only thing on his mind. Dmitri acknowledges that with previous affairs he would think of the women for only a month and then continue on as though nothing happened. However, with Anna a month has already passed and the memory of her is still fresh. Dmitri takes this heavily, and begins a downward spiral. He tries to carry out his life, but the thought of Anna prevails and he is paralyzed. Literary critic, Erik Huber, comments on this moment, â€Å"He wants to speak to others of his feelings for her, but nobody will listen. This eventually leads him to a great feeling of disgust [†¦.] Gurov is so ‘indignant’ after this moment of personal crisis that he cannot sleep and finds that he is ‘fed up’ with his job and his children. He has no desire to do anything†. The fact that Dmitri is not with Anna is preventing him from living his life. He has become so involved with her and he is emotionally connected to her. His life in Moscow seems dis gusting and uneventful. He no longer wants to carry out his life the way he has for so many years. This indicates that something has changed; and that change is Dmitri is in love. Besides the apparent change in personality and behavior, Dmitri’s age and appearance, and his acknowledgment of Anna represent true love as well. In the beginning of the short story, Dmitri simply calls Anna â€Å"’the lady with the dog’†(251). This can be attributed to the fact that Dmitri is not emotionally connected with Anna, nor is he planning to be. He does not give her a name in order to keep her distant. As the relationship evolves, Dmitri calls her by her name. This action makes things personal, and signifies Dmitri’s growing love for Anna. In relation to this, when the reader is briefly introduced to Dmitri’s wife, her name is never mentioned. This represents the fact that Dmitri does not have a strong emotional connection to her. The only woman’s name in the story is Anna’s because Anna is the only woman Dmitri has ever loved. Going back to the beginning of the story, when Chekhov introduces Dmitri, he speaks of his ease in attracting women; â€Å"In his appearance, in his character, in his whole nature, there was something attractive and elusive which allured women and disposed them in his favour†(252). Dmitri has no problem attracting women. There is something about him that attracts them, and he is very aware of this. It seems as if he uses the attraction to pull women in to the affairs he has. This attractiveness is how he allures Anna. In contrast, near the end of the story, Dmitri sees himself in the mirror and sees how much he has changed. Chekhov writes, â€Å"At that moment he saw himself in the looking-glass. His hair was already beginning to turn grey. And it seemed strange to him that he had grown so much older, so much plainer during the last few years†¦. Why did she love him so much?†(262). Dmitri looks distinctly different than he had when he first met Anna. His looks and age leave him questioning why Anna loves him. He speaks of how all the years of him bein g with women while he was young never left him with a feeling quite like the one Anna leaves him with. When he was more attractive and young, love had not yet reached him. Now, older and less handsome, he has finally found love. His appearance represents this change and journey to finding true love. Dmitri’s character development, whether it be behavioral or physical, represents the transition to, and the theme of, true love in the short story â€Å"The Lady with the Dog†. Through Dmitri’s first encounter with Anna, their involved affair, her return home, and their continuation, Dmitri changes and evolves as a character. He grows older in appearance and personality, begins to see the world differently, and begins to see Anna differently; all because he is falling in love for the first time. This development is used to support the theme of true love in the story because Dmitri is shown to change with the growth of his love for Anna. Works Cited Chekhov, Anton. â€Å"The Lady with the Dog.†The Norton Production to Literature. 11th ed. Ed. Kelly J. Mays. New York: W. W. Norton Company, Inc, 2013. 251-262. Print. Huber, Erik. An overview of â€Å"The Lady with the Pet Dog†. Gale Online Encyclopedia. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Literature Resource Center. Web. 17 Sept. 2015. The Lady with the Dog. Short Story Criticism. Ed. Jelena O. Krstovic. Vol. 102. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Literature Resource Center. Web. 17 Sept. 2015.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Josiah Wedgwood's Pottery Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Josiah Wedgwood's Pottery - Case Study Example This essay declares that Wedgwood understood that in order for his wares to become more desirable they would need to be more than perfectly produced. They needed a boost in status. Wedgwood felt they needed to transcend the universal opinion that all earthenware was inferior to porcelain. This was key if his creamware was to gain popularity, and most importantly, fetch the high porcelain prices he hoped for.  To achieve this, Wedgwood took a unique approach: he actively sought out royal patronage. Before Wedgwood, Staffordshire potters had used their social status and money to promote their wares, but Wedgwood used his skill and the high quality of his wares to promote its social status, and his. Wedgwood’s set of â€Å"tea things†for Queen Charlotte was a success and just the boost in status his wares needed. For England, unlike on the Continent, this was the first royal commission of local ceramics, and it was a major endorsement. This paper stresses that Wedgwood had the foresight to predict that the commission would bring him the powerful selling tool of prestige. Although Wedgwood was confident that he should take the commission, he was concerned about whether he could successfully execute it. Of particular concern for Wedgwood was the gilding. Wedgwood consulted other potters, and eventually perfected a gilding method using powdered gold. Wedgwood’s end product was a success and the Queen was so pleased that she agreed to rename Wedgwood’s creamware â€Å"Queensware.†... ctives, Wedgwood formed a group of committee trustees to assist with investing not only with road improvements but also with canal constructions as well, because the latter was more efficient form of transport. Eventually, Wedgwood triumphed and the canal was built in the path of his new estate. The Trent and Mersey Canal was to become the main artery of the Grand Trunk Canal, which would have an extension leading to London. Wedgwood's transportation improvement goals became a reality. Wedgwood understood that in order for his wares to become more desirable they would need to be more than perfectly produced. They needed a boost in status. Wedgwood felt they needed to transcend the universal opinion that all earthenware was inferior to porcelain. This was key if his creamware was to gain popularity, and most importantly, fetch the high porcelain prices he hoped for. To achieve this, Wedgwood took a unique approach: he actively sought out royal patronage. Before Wedgwood, Staffordshire potters had used their social status and money to promote their wares, but Wedgwood used his skill and the high quality of his wares to promote its social status, and his. Wedgwood's set of "tea things" for Queen Charlotte was a success and just the boost in status his wares needed. For England, unlike on the Continent, this was the first royal commission of local ceramics, and it was a major endorsement. Wedgwood was offered the commission either, as he expressed in a letter to his br other "... because nobody else would undertake it..." or perhaps because the first potter had failed (Reilly, I, 200). Whichever was the case, Wedgwood had the foresight to predict that the commission would bring him the powerful selling tool of prestige. Although Wedgwood was confident that he should
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