Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Youth Unemployment in Nigeria - 2476 Words
INTRODUCTION Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the eighth most populous country in the world with a population of 154, 729,000 citizens. Our nominal GDP is $207. 116 billion and we have a nominal per capita income of $1,4011. Nigeria also has the second largest economy in Africa . If I may ask, is this country not blessed? Yet, it is still plagued by youth unemployment which had been one of our major problems in recent years. Both government and the private sector had discussed this issue at forums and conferences but have not found a solution to it. Its continued existence had been linked to lack of power supply and financial empowerment for youths. Youth unemployment in Nigeria is mostly referred to as graduate†¦show more content†¦- No knowledge is lost. Knowledge gained from workshops and seminars could be used by participants at any point of their lives. - It is better done than said. Things look easy when they are said but it is only when we make moves to actualize them that we realize their complexities, the constraints involved and the possible outcomes. MY PERSONAL PROJECTS - WHAT HOPE FOR THE PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED YOUTHS? The physically challenged account for about 5% of Africans (1% of Africans are blind)6 and Nigeria as well as her youths are not left out. For this reason, I visited the closest HANDEF (Handicapped Education Foundation) centre to my university and I learnt that most of the challenges they face are rejection and deprivation, and these have a psychological effect on them. No wonder, most of them end up on the street begging. The government is working hard to solve this problem with four schools already in place in the state that trains them up to the university level. From my observation, little results had been achieved from these great efforts, because I have not seen any physically challenged person working in a bank or even in a government institution like the post office. The sad part of the story is that most of these physically challenged people are youths. PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS I think the youths, the government and the private sector should be involved in solving this problem.Show MoreRelatedYouth Unemployment in Nigeria1200 Words  | 5 PagesYouth Unemployment in Nigeria INTRODUCTION Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the eighth most populous country in the world with a population of 154, 729,000 citizens. Our nominal GDP is $207. 116 billion and we have a nominal per capita income of $1, 4011. Nigeria also has the second largest economy in Africa. If I may ask, is this country not blessed? Yet, it is still plagued by youth unemployment which had been one of our major problems in recent years. Both government andRead MoreYouth Unemployment in Nigeria4294 Words  | 18 PagesYOUTH UNEMPLOY MENT IN NIGERIA SOLVING THE PROBLEMS FROM THE ROOT SOLVING THE PROBLEMS FROM THE ROOT TABLE OF CONTENTS âÅ"“ ABSTRACT âÅ"“ INTRODUCTION âÅ"“ THE EFFECTS OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT IN NIGERIA âÅ"“ CAUSES OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT âÅ"“ LIFE INVESTORS FOUNDATION: INTRODUCTION âÅ"“ THE WORK PLAN †¢ ENTERPRISES †¢ WORK STUDY †¢ RESEARCH ACADEMY âÅ"“ OTHER STRATEGIES †¢ ANTICORRUPTION TEAM †¢ COLLATERAL BOARD †¢ RESOURCE AND INFORMATION CENTRERead MoreYouth Unemployment and Implication for Political Stability in Nigeria (1999-2011)2162 Words  | 9 PagesYOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT AND IMPLICATION FOR POLITICAL STABILITY IN NIGERIA (1999-2011) YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT AND IMPLICATION FOR POLITICAL STABILITY IN NIGERIA (1999-2011) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY In Nigeria, civil rule has been restored for over a decades ago, which has given people so much hopes and expectations for political stability to enjoy the value of democratic rule. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
This dead Butcher… is this a fair assumption of Macbeth Free Essays
I believe that Macbeth s not a dead butcher as you do see him have a sign of guilt when he murders characters in the book. Although he is a very ambitions man resulting in consequences both for him and people around him. In the play you see Macbeth influenced and persuaded by super-natural forces, like the three witches which you see at the beginning of the book. We will write a custom essay sample on This dead Butcher†¦ is this a fair assumption of Macbeth? or any similar topic only for you Order Now This brings out the ambition in him and slowly turns him into a power ridden man. But at the end he turns into the loyal soldier he was at the beginning of the book, before he meets the witches. In the first act you see the loyal soldier, Macbeth meet the three witches just after over powering the Thane of Cawdor’s army. This suddenly brings out the ambition in him as they say he will eventually become King. It says, â€Å"All hail, Macbeth! That shalt be King here after†. Read this â€Å"The Secrets of Haiti’s Living Dead†Through the act in the book the readers view of Macbeth changes completely. The character who entered the stage at the beginning is, in the eyes of the audience, completely different person from the character at the end of the first act. He transforms from a good man, a loyal soldier honest to one who is prepared to kill to be king. Even before Macbeth himself appears on stage, he is discussed as a good man by the king and the king’s eldest son ‘Malcolm’. They speak of Macbeth as a great soldier after his recent success in the battlefield, while in the service of the King. The King then talks to Macbeth and tells him how the Thane of Cawdor was a loyal friend to him. It is a bit ironic as you see that Macbeth becomes Thane of Cawdor and then stabbed in the back by him. After this you see his ambitious side come out as he writes a letter to his wife saying he will be King. This brings the woman’s evil side out as she tries to take all the good in her and replace it with evil as she says, â€Å"unsex me here, and fill me from head to the toe top-full of direst cruelty.†After this the King says he will have dinner at Macbeths house which seems strange as it give them the perfect time to kill the King making a step closer to being King. That night they plan out to ill the King which they do but you see Macbeth arguing about not wanting to kill him. It says, â€Å"First, as I am his kinsman and his subject.†This means that he is my king and my guest and shouldn’t kill him. Macbeth mucks the plan up though as he feels very guilty for what he has done. Fortunately his wife manages to make it seem that it was the guards fault as she had drugged them. Kind Duncan’s two children Donaldbain and Lennox are very curious about this and flee to England and Wales. Further on in the play he becomes more ambitious and wants to make sure he stays King doing anything to stay there. To this he knew he had to kill his loyal friend Banquo as when he met the witches they said he would be a farther to a line of Kings. So while he was at a party he hired murderers to kill him and his son for him so he would be king. The murders were unable to kill Banquo’s son but killed him. Later at the party Macbeth saw the ghost of Banquo at the party here he should have been sitting. No one else could see it as he was the only one that knew what had happened to him. The ghost is a sign of his guiltiness showing that he isn’t a bad man after all. By this point Macbeth’s wife died because the evilness inside her gets the better of her. At the end of the play Macduff, one of King Duncan’s followers, has got an army together to try and gain power of the crown once again as he had enough of Macbeths evil ways. To the reader you see Macbeth turn back into the soldier he once was at the beginning of the book, ready to fight like a true and loyal soldier would. He fights Macduff who said just surrender but Macbeth says no I wish to fight you like a true soldier. Overall I believe that Macbeth is not a dead butcher as at the beginning at ending of the book he is a good and loyal soldier but ambition does get the better of him in the middle where he does want to become king. Not just down to him but his wife aswell. When he does kill people like the King and his loyal friend Banquo he always argues a case on why he should not kill them and then after he feel guilty for killing them by messing up plans or even seeing a ghost. How to cite This dead Butcher†¦ is this a fair assumption of Macbeth?, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Codename X by Excision free essay sample
Excision is a Canadian electronic, primarily dubstep, producer that is known for bringing in the heavy drops of neuro dubstep. Having been around for awhile also helps although as this album would show, he has delved into other genres like Drumstep, Moonbahton and Electro so he isnt entirely focused on neurostep, or whatever you call his type of dubstep. Excision has also been known to collaborate with many people too, usually Datsik and Downlink. Codename X is eleven tracks of pure awesome and right from the beginning title track, we are hit with a giant banger. The drops on here are gonna be important, as it is a big aspect of modern electronic music. While it may not be as heavy as some of his previous works like the Existence VIP with Downlink, I feel it still has the higher production value to hold high as that is something that is respectable. We will write a custom essay sample on Codename X by Excision or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While songs like Codename X, Bring The Madness and Robo Kitty are heavy bangers that will get you hyped up, he has made some softer tracks to help the constant chaos not get in the way with songs like Float Away and Nightshine. I also like the fake out in the beginning of Robo Kitty as from that I thought it was gonna be a hardstyle song, which would have been cool to be honest. Some of my favorites are Bring The Madness(there is a partial bias for Pegboard Nerds collaborating), Codename X, Robo Kitty, Nightshine, Float Away and X Up. Some for being crushing and heavy as an anvil and some for having a melodic touch or not being the former which shows some willingness. Alot of the drops here are also really fun and somehow hes able to fit three in some tracks. Not to mention, none of these tracks are five or six minutes in length which makes it that much harder but, he can do it, and with style too. Robo Kitty also lands another collab with Downlink and it sounds cool too to be hones t and I can personally listen to Codename X and Bring The Madness all day. I would love for you guys to check out Excision has he is awesome. I give this a 9.9/10. I am the Grim Reaper, signing off.
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